Posts in the "Workshop" Category

Application help on Mondays!

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Negotiating Parental Pressure in the Major Exploration Process: A Workshop for International Students

Negotiating Parental Pressure in the Major Exploration Process: A Workshop for International Students Thursday, February 5th,  Mary Gates Hall Room 234, 4:30-6:30p.m. Are you interested in a major your parents don’t approve of? This workshop will help you develop major and career exploration strategies, navigate expectations and pressure from parents, and work through emotional stress… Read more »

Green Dot Bystander Training on February 21st

Hello UW Students! Registration is now open for the next Green Dot Bystander Training on February 21st. If you have not yet heard about Green Dot, it is a movement on campus focused on the prevention of sexual violence by training students on how to be active Bystanders, and you can find more information here:… Read more »

Sleep Workshop

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Sleep deprivation robs you of your ability to be at your best. Learn more about sleep, and how to manage your sleep debt and/or difficulties.  Thursday, Feb 5, 1:30-2:30pm, 401 Schmitz Hall No registration required  Please contact us at (206) 543-1240 if you have any questions   

Undergraduate Research Program: Abstract Writing Workshops

Abstract Writing Workshops are tailored to students who are applying to the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium. Symposium Application Deadline: February 23, 2015 The abstract writing workshop includes information on what exactly is an abstract, how to write one, and what information to include. If you already have a draft, you may also bring this to… Read more »

Workshops this week!

THIS WEEK: Scholarship search and application workshops from the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards Getting Great Recommendation Letters TODAY, Monday, January 26, 2015, 2:30-3:30pm, MGH 171 This workshop will help you plan ahead for developing strong relationships with faculty and other mentors, asking for letters of recommendation, and preparing your recommenders to write… Read more »