UW School of Medicine – Admissions forums

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The UW School of Medicine Admissions office would like to invite you and/or your students to attend our 2017 Admissions Forum Sessions. Forum I will focus on crafting a competitive application and Forum II will focus on preparing for a successful interview. These sessions will be led by the Associate Dean of Admissions, Dr. Carol Teitz.

Forum I: “The Application” – Wednesday, May 17, 4:00 – 5:00 pm

Forum II: “The Interview” – Thursday, June 8, 4:00 – 5:00 pm

Location: UW Health Sciences Building (HSB) T-435, also via live webinar

Registration is required to attend, virtually or in person. Please register for each session individually. If you or your students are unavailable during these times, recordings will also be posted afterwards on our website.