Volunteers needed at the Undergraduate Research Symposium – May 19, 2017

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As you know, the big event is on! We’re thrilled that over 1,200 UW undergraduates will be presenting their work in this year’s 20th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium on Friday, May 19, 11am – 6pm.  http://www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/symposium/


The Undergraduate Research Program is in need of volunteers to help at the event.  We need:

  • Oral Presentation Session Assistants: Particularly for our wonderful Session 1 presentations, 12:00 – 2:15 pm
  • Registration Volunteers: All shifts.

A full description of volunteer opportunities and sign up is available here. Btw, we provide lunch for our Symposium Day volunteers 🙂

Thanks for considering this call for help.


Jennifer & URP Staff