Intro to Public Policy and Governance – spring qrt class!

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public policy class spring2017

The Evans School of Public Policy & Governance is offering our new undergraduate course in Public Policy again during Spring Quarter. This introduction to the field of policy analysis, governance, and public service teaches students how to analyze and evaluate policy and actions, as well as how individuals organize for common purposes. Students will learn how institutional problems are solved for the betterment of society, how policies can be analyzed and measured for impact, and how public policies are designed and implemented in order to respond to complex challenges related to climate change, urban planning, social justice, city planning, and more. Open to all UW undergraduate students.

Spring Quarter 2017

Tuesdays & Thursdays

11:30 a.m. – 12:50 p.m.

5 Credits

Satisfies the Individuals & Society (I&S) undergraduate general education requirement

Learn more:

View draft syllabus: