INTSCI 491/492: Introduction to Research/Reflections on Research (NW)

INTSCI 491/492:  Introduction to Research/Reflections on Research (NW)

Are you interested in undergraduate research in the biological, environmental, or physical sciences? Would you like to:

  • Demystify research culture and develop research skills?
  • Discuss research papers with a diverse community of undergraduate researchers?
  • Develop a research proposal and increase your competitiveness for research scholarships and graduate & professional programs?
  • Present your research in oral and written formats & improve your science communication skills?

Integrated Sciences 491/492 (2 credits; Thursdays, 9-10:20 a.m.) is a discussion-based course that is designed to accompany undergraduate research experiences. Students must confirm a faculty research mentor before the start of the course.

INTSCI 491 (Introduction to Research) and INTSCI 492 (Reflections on Research) meet together and share in-class activities. They are, however, supported by two distinct series of homework assignments.

To determine which course would better complement your research experiences or to request an add code, please email the instructor, Dr. Brian J. Buchwitz at: