Getting Into Grad School: The Inside Scoop About What Works

Getting Into Grad School:The Inside Scoop About What Works

GRDSCH 200: Preparing for Graduate Education  Autumn 2015


Fridays , 8:30 – 10:20 a.m. SMI 205 SLN: 15358

This is a 10-week course for sophomores, juniors and seniors who know they want to pursue, or are considering the possibility of, graduate education; learn first-hand from faculty and staff involved in graduate admissions how to find a good program fit and how to prepare effective application materials.

Are you unsure if you want to attend graduate school? Come explore and find out!

  •  Do you know for certain that you want to attend graduate school, but are not sure how to write a quality personal statement? We can help!
  •  Not sure what program or school you want to attend? Find your fit here

The course seeks to engage students in determining the right “fit” for their individual graduate education goals through three primary objectives:

  •  Investigation: What is your desire to attend graduate school?
    •  What you need to know about the graduate school experience
  •  Revelation: What do graduate school admission committees actually expect?
    • Demystify the process
    •  Personal statements, resumes/CVs and letters of recommendation
  • Preparation: How does investigation and revelation lead to finding a “good fit” and how do you chart a course of action?
    •  Why do you want to go? When do you want to go? Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? How can you do it?

Fridays , 8:30 – 10:20 a.m. SMI 205 SLN: 15358
For more information or questions, contact Katy DeRosier at  or visit our website at