Careers in the Tech Industry for All Majors! Thursday, October 22nd, 2015

Hello Huskies,

Are you interested in working for a tech company but aren’t a computer science student? Join us to learn about the hundreds of jobs in tech companies for non-tech majors! Hear from a panel of employers (DocuSign, Expedia, Google, Payscale) about what those jobs are and how to apply for them. Come for the panel and stay for time to mingle and talk with panelists after the event.  

Careers in the Tech Industry for All Majors
Thursday, October 22nd, 2015
4:30-6:30pm; HUB # 214

No need to pre-register. Please do arrive early as seats are limited.  Questions? Email or call 206-543-0535. We look forward to seeing at this fun event!

For all other upcoming “Careers In…”Employer Panel events, please click HERE.  Also, don’t forget to check out other upcoming fall quarter workshops and events at the Career Center by visiting our online calendar at .