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Friday Harbor 2016 info session

TOMORROW (Tues, April 12th), 3:30 – 4:30 in THO 234 (RSVP form below)

Thinking of spending this fall in Friday Harbor on the San Juan Islands, studying literature, creative writing, and marine biology in the natural environment?  Tomorrow’s info session is an opportunity to get your questions answered in a session featuring UW English professor and award-winning poet Richard Kenney, English and Friday Harbor alumnus Zack Bivins (winner of this year’s Ocean 180 competition), Friday Harbor and English MFA alumna Elizabeth Cooperman, and marine scientist and Friday Harbor Labs associate director Megan Dethier.

None of these courses have prerequisites, and students of all levels, including beginners, are welcome!  Costs are all-inclusive of fall tuition (12-17 credits), room, board (three delicious meals per day, and snacks, including on weekends), and course fees.  All you will need will be your Washington state ferry fare to the islands and pocket money. More information is at https://english.washington.edu/study-abroad/2016/literature-creative-writing-and-marine-biology-friday-harbor.

Fall in Friday Harbor Info Session

Spend fall quarter studying at the UWs marine field station in the San Juan Islands. Get started by attending one of our info sessions this quarter.

INFO SESSION I: Marine Biology and the Humanities

When: Tuesday 4/12, 3:30 – 4:30 pm

Where: Thompson Hall, Rm 234

RSVP: https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/marbiol/299813

Start here if you want to learn more about courses in the humanities and introductory courses in marine biology for students of any major. Hear about the courses and living experience from faculty and students including creative writing professor and award-winning poet Richard Kenney, FHL Associate Director Megan Dethier, and FHL alumnus and English major Zack Bivins (winner of this year’s Oceans 180 competition).