Student Health Priorities Survey

Hello UW students,

My name is Mitchell Chen and I’m the Director of Diversity Efforts with the student government here at UW.  We’re partnering with Hall Health and other health-related entities on campus to conduct a Student Health Priorities Survey.  We wanted to gauge how underrepresented and marginalized students felt about health services on campus and get feedback on how to improve.  The survey will guide Hall Health, the Counseling Center, and other entities on future strategic plans.

We are asking for feedback from students and the survey can be found here:

It’s due this Friday at 11:59pm.  Hall Health is also offering a free IPad as a raffle for students who have taken the survey.  If you input your e-mail at the end of the survey (no attempt will be made to identify you), you’ll automatically be entered in the drawing.

Thank you so much!!

Mitchell Chen | Director of Diversity Efforts

Associated Students of the University of Washington

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