Three Open Classes for Undergraduates of any major

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  1. ENTRE 370: Intro to Entrepreneurship |  3 sections |  4 credits

Professor Pahnke will be teaching three sections of the course this fall, and is opening up slots in each section for non-business majors. In the course you will learn the fundamentals about starting a technology-based business, create a term project, and connect with the entrepreneurship committee at UW and in Seattle. If you are interested and have trouble registering, email Professor Pahnke at Make sure to include your preferred section and UW ID#.


  1. Cross-listed:  Environmental Innovation Practicum  |  Tues, 4-5:50  |  2 credits or drop-in

Innovative? Register now for the Environmental Innovation Practicum, open to all grads and undergrads. Students hear fantastic leading-edge speakers, work on idea generation for changes that will make a difference in the environment, then roll up their sleeves and work on cross-disciplinary teams to figure out how to make their ideas a reality. Upcoming speakers include: Sara Hunt of Pacific Northwest National Labs, Martha Campbell of Rocky Mountain Institute, and James Connelly of the Living Product Challenge. Cross-listed:  ENTRE 443/543, ENGR 498, ENVIR 495


  1. Cross-listed: Health Innovation Practicum  |  Thurs, 4-5:50  |  2 credits or drop-in

The Health Innovation Practicum kicks off Thursday, September 29, 4-5:50 pm in Paccar 292. Fantastic speakers will showcase some terrific Seattle-based innovations in health and talk about what’s hot now.  Visitors to the class are welcome. Registration for students is open to grad and undergrad of ALL MAJORS. Cross-listed: ENTRE 490/579