Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) 2016 lecture series

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The WiSE 2016/2017 Lecture series will kick off the Fall quarter with speaker, Dr. Amy Bix. Professor of History at Iowa State University and director of ISU’s Center for Historical Studies of Technology and Science.

Dr. Bix talk will focus on how women gained entrance to the traditionally male field of engineering in American higher education, looking at both individual experiences and institutional evolution as published in her book Girls Coming to Tech!’: A History of American Engineering Education for Women , MIT Press, December, 2013. In addition, Dr. Bix will also share excerpts from her current publication (in progress) Recruiting Engineer Jane and Astrophysicist Amy: American STEM Advocacy for Girls, 1965-2015: research tracing the intellectual, political, and social history of how, when, and why such gendered advocacy became integral to modern STEM cultures.