Careers in Tech Industry Employer Panel

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Hello Huskies,

Everyone is talking about tech! Not a programmer? When you hear Java, do you think coffee? Not a problem. Join a panel of industry experts as they break down the variety of non-technical roles within their companies, share their own experiences and give advice to all UW majors. Stick around for a chance to mingle and network with company representatives after the panel.

 Careers in Tech Industry Employer Panel

Wednesday, October 12th 

HUB, room 334


Employer Panelists:;

Anne Smith – Expedia; Jennifer Bullion-HTC; Holli Martinez- T-Mobile; Paulina Klemm- Former Tableau Intern

No need to pre-register. Please do arrive early as seats are limited.  Questions? Email Donna Chen at or call 206-543-0535. We look forward to seeing you there!