Winter quarter seminar: Race and Equity Leadership: Interrupting Privilege

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Race and Equity Leadership: Interrupting Privilege

Prof. Ralina Joseph

Winter 2017

Most discussions of inequality focus on violence, disproportionality, and discrimination.  But what about the concept of privilege?  How does privilege – in terms of race, gender, sexuality, and citizenship status – shore up inequality?

This seminar engages questions of privilege through the Graduate School’s yearlong public lecture and workshop series on “Privilege.”  Students – at times with UW alums – will meet weekly to read and discuss the scholarship and activism of the 2016-17 public lecturers, or attend the lectures and workshops themselves, which in the Winter quarter includes UCLA’s education professor Pedro Noguera on inequalities in educational achievements, and UW’s Joy Williamson-Lott on the history of oppression, privilege and education.


GEN ST 197, Section H (SLN 15057) First Year Students

GEN ST 297, Section K (SLN 15072)

Mondays 5:30-6:50pm

CMU 243

1 Credits- Credit/No Credit