20th Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium

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Dear Students,

The application for the 20th Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium is now open!  The Sym­po­sium will be held on May 19, 2017 in Mary Gates Hall.

The Symposium is a celebration of undergraduate accomplishments in research, scholarship, and creative expression in all academic disciplines.  Students may present their research either in a poster, an oral presentation session, or in a performing arts or visual arts and design session. Last year, over 1,000 students participated in this exciting event.

To learn more and start an appli­ca­tion, visit the Under­grad­u­ate Research Sym­po­sium sec­tion of the URP web­site. All UW under­grad­u­ates involved in research are encour­aged to apply. The appli­ca­tion dead­line is Feb­ru­ary 13, 2017.

Inter­ested stu­dents are also encour­aged to attend one of our upcom­ing Sym­po­sium Info Sessions and to register for one of our Abstract Writ­ing Work­shops to assist you with your application. The first Information Session is Tuesday, January 10, 12:30-1:20 PM.

Not yet involved in research? Vol­un­teer or stop by on the day of the event to learn more about the research that UW under­grads are par­tic­i­pat­ing in, from projects in syn­thetic chem­istry to new ideas in the realm of dance.

If you have any questions, contact urp@uw.edu.

P.S. You need not have results of your research by the February application deadline – In fact, most students will not have results until May. Come to an Abstract Writing Workshop to learn more about how you can write a compelling abstract for your in-process project!