1 credit, 1 weekend seminar in San Juan Islands

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Introduction to Marine Biology in the San Juan Islands

FHL 101, 1 credit;

Dr. Megan Dethier, University of Washington, Department of Biology, mdethier@uw.edu

This one-weekend, one-credit course is targeted to University of Washington freshmen or sophomores studying marine biology, biology or environmental science who want to learn more about marine habitats; priority will be given to students who have not yet had a chance to visit Friday Harbor Laboratories (FHL) as part of another field trip or course.

The course is designed to introduce students to the marine ecosystem of the San Juan Archipelago and the FHL facilities, while doing basic exploration of marine biology. Students will spend two full-schedule days doing a variety of field and lab studies. The course will be credit/no credit.

Limit: 20 students.

To apply to participate, or for more information please contact:

Joe Kobayashi – University of Washington Academic Advisor, Marine Biology, marbiol@uw.edu, 206 543-7426


Date: Saturday, April 29 through Sunday, April 30: a weekend in spring quarter when there are good low tides. Transportation, housing and meals are provided.

Lab Fee: $120 to be paid to University of Washington along with tuition.

FHL Room and Board: $65 to be a paid separately to Friday Harbor Labs to cover 3 meals and one night housing on the FHL campus.


Students activities:  http://depts.washington.edu/fhl/studentSpring2017.html#marbioweekend