Become a Peer Health Educator!

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peer health educators

The Peer Health Educators (PHEs) aim to bridge the gap between students and on campus health resources. We are a group of dedicated student volunteers from a variety of majors and departments who are passionate about a wide array of student health issues such as sexual health, physical health, body image, mental health, and more!

We are based out of the UW Health and Wellness Office (which we are very proud of). Of our most recent accomplishments, in Fall Quarter 2016 we helped out with the Laci Green DAWG Daze event, presented our Mental Health Workshop to FIGs and other student groups, designed and distributed our first PHE Tips! poster campaign, and initiated the It’s On Us – UW campaign against sexual assault.

If you’re interested in becoming a PHE for the 2017-2018 academic year, complete the application by Feb. 20th. You can learn more about the program and how to apply by visiting this link before then:

  • Please note that prospective PHEs are expected to attend a Spring 2017 course every Tuesday from 5PM to 7PM (location TBD). You can earn 1 credit for this!

This course is specifically designed to train you about health topics relevant to college campuses like Healthy Relationships and Consent, Social Justice/Privilege/Power,  Interpersonal Violence/Stalking, Body Positivity and Eating Disorders, Marijuana Education, Alcohol Education, Mental Health, Suicide prevention, Stress Management, etc.

  • In addition, prospective PHEs are required to attend the Green Dot Active Bystander Training on Saturday, April 29, from 10:00AM to 4:00PM (location TBD).

Once trained, you can start volunteering with our program in Fall Quarter 2017!

We’re passionate about making UW a safer and healthier place and would love to have you join us!

If you have any questions, please direct them to our program Volunteer Coordinator, Ryan, at