Advanced Pathology Seminars, Field Trips and other Expeditions

Monnat Lab Reunion - Scientists and Sculture


Monnat Lab Reunion - Chilling at Ivars



The day's first experiment


Yann brings us a new addition for the inflatables!


(Some of) The Men - Confident before The Big Match


The Women - Victorious, contemplate their bowling challenge



Lab bids Elijah farewell at Schultzy's


Elijah and Ray discuss who's got the bigger glass...


Veronika keeps going until she gets to the top.


Frances dresses for success to interview for med school


Cooking up a storm together


Relaxing at the barbeque


Emma, JD and Frances at the barbeque


Umut gets suited up for work


Kiran's family shows up for her defense party


Cheers for Kiran! Champagne all round.


Out for a spin in the lab car


Lunch break at Seattle's iconic Dick's


Brad gets in touch with his inner Winnie the Pooh.


Our building (on the left) with the cherry trees blooming in the spring.