Option Network in Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering (NME)

a NSF Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) Program




NSF  0938558





NME Departments



Chemical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Material Science & Eng.




Program Details



NME in BioE Major

NME in ChemE Major

NME in EE Major

NME in ME Major

NME in MSE Major




NME Network




NME Courses














Supporting Labs





MEMS Laboratory


Heteroepitaxal Growth Lab


Non Linear Optical Lab


Molecular Biomimetics Lab





NUE Program










Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering - an Option Program Network


NME Option for CHEM E Undergraduate Majors


Admission: Admission to the CHEM E NME Option is competitive. General admission to the CHEM E NME Option is upon completion of NME 220. Admission decisions are based upon grades including NME 220 and ChemE courses taken up to this point. A small number of students may be admitted into the NME Option upon application to the department. Admission will be based on the student’s academic record and prior experience/work in the field of nanoscience and/or molecular engineering. Students selecting to apply for the NME Option should indicate so in their Chemical Engineering application and discuss their interests and background in the essay.


Program Requirement for the CHEM E NME Option (22 credits): CHEM E 455 (3 credits), CHEM E 499 (3-6 credits), NME 220, NME 221, NME 321; NME 421; minimum of two additional approved nanoscience and molecular engineering electives. Contact the CHEM E Advising Office for the current list of approved electives. (See also CHEM E NME Course Catalogue)


Required NME Option Courses in CHEM E

NME 220 (4)

Lecture: Introduction to Molecular and Nanoscale Principles. Offered Spring.

NME 221 (1)

Seminar: Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering Seminar I. Offered Spring.

NME 321 (1)

Seminar: Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering Seminar II. Offered Spring.

NME 421 (1)

Seminar: Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering Seminar III. Offered Spring.

CHEM E 455 (3)

Laboratory: Surface and Colloid Science Laboratory. Offered in Autumn and Spring.

CHEM E 499 (3-6)

Research: Undergraduate Research. In order to take CHEM E 499, students must have a GPA in chemical engineering courses of 3.00 or higher. Arrange with research advisor.


List of Elective Courses†

BIOEN/CHEM E 490 (3)

Engineering Materials for Biomedical Applications.


Controlled-Release Systems: Principles and Applications.

BIOEN 492 /

CHEM E 458 (3)

Surface Analysis.

CHEM E/BIOEN 467 (3)

Biochemical Engineering.

CHEM E/MSE 484 (3)

Electronic and Optoelectronic Polymers.

EE 436 (4)

Medical Instrumentation.

EE/MSE 486 (3)

Semiconductor Processing.

ME/MSE 568 (3)

Active and sensing materials and their devices.

MSE 333 (3)

Materials Characterization.

MSE 481 (3)

Science and Technology of Nanostructures.

MSE/CHEM 484 (3)

Materials Chemistry.

NME 498

NME Specialty Topics.

† Contact the CHEM E Advising Office for most up-to-date information. Most CHEM E electives courses are suitable substitutes, but require pre-approval from the CHEM E Advising Office, if not listed above.


NME Plan of Study for CHEM E Majors


Required Course Schedule for NME CHEME Option

Year 2 – Post-Admission – Spring Quarter

NME 220 (4)

NME 221 (1)

Year 3 – Post-Admission – Spring Quarter

NME 321 (1)

Year 4 – Post-Admission – Fall Quarter

(or Spring)

CHEM E 455 (3)

Year 4 – Post-Admission – Spring Quarter

NME 421 (1)


Suggested Course Schedule for NME CHEME Option Electives and Research Experience*

Year 3 – Post-Admission – Winter Quarter

NME Option Elective and/or CHEM E 499 Research (3)

Year 3 – Post-Admission – Spring Quarter

NME Option Elective (3) and/or CHEM E 499 Research (3), or Engineering Co-op

Year 4 – Post-Admission – Fall Quarter

NME Option Elective (3) and/or CHEM E 499 Research (3)

Year 4 – Post-Admission – Winter Quarter

NME Option Elective (3) and/or CHEM E 499 Research (3)

* CHEM E 499, Engineering Co-op and NME Electives (12 credits). A minimum of 3 credits in research related activity.