

Minor in Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering (NME)  -  a NSF Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) Program (NSF  0938558)



Freshman Seminar Series – GEN ST 197 D

Nanoscience & Molecular Engineering


Winter 2010 - Mondays, 1:30 – 2:20 p.m., LOW 102









Lab Modules












Contact Us



Supporting Labs





MEMS Laboratory


Heteroepitaxal Growth Lab


Non Linear Optical Lab


Molecular Biomimetics Lab







NUE Programs






Coordinator: Professor René M. Overney

245 Benson, E-mail the instructor

206-543-4353, FAX 206-543-3778




Course Description

This seminar will offer students an introduction to nanoscale science and technology, familiarize them with research and educational opportunities in nanotechnology on campus, and provide an initial intellectual forum where they can share their interests in nanosciences.  The seminar is the first in a series of courses that are being developed jointly through the UW colleges of Arts and Sciences and Engineering to create an undergraduate Minor in Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering.


Topics to be discussed, led by UW experts in the field, include, among others:

- Introduction to Nanoscale Science and Technology

- Molecular Biomimetics

- Electro-Optics and Molecular Designs

- Nanoengineering involving Biology

- The Physics of Constrained Systems

- Molecular Designs of Electromechanical Systems


The students get the opportunity to visit a UW research laboratory, meet with graduate students and/or undergraduate researchers, and discuss fundamental challenges and technological advancements.


Course Credit


Course credit will be based on reasonable attendance (~ 90%), a two-page theme on one of the subjects, including interviews with graduate students and/or undergraduate researchers working with one of the faculty speakers.


Required Reading

Seminar handouts.

Faculty Presentations

Jan. 4:       Introduction to Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering

                  Prof. René Overney (ChemE)


Jan. 11:     Visit of the UW Center for Nanotechnology (CNT)

                 Dr. Ethan Allan


Jan. 25:     Winkin', Blinkin', and Odd: Understanding Fluorescence Intermittency in Single-Molecule Spectroscopy 

                 Prof. Phillip Reid (CHEM)


Feb. 1:       Fundamentals of Nanoscale Patterning and Manipulation

                  Prof. Jae Chung (ME)


Feb. 8:       The Sweet Science of Glyco-Nanotechnology

                  Prof. Daniel Ratner (BioE)


Feb. 22:     Building Atomic Bridges Between Dissimilar Materials

                 Prof. Marjorie Olmstead (PHYS)


Mar.  1:      Self-Assembly from Nano to Milli Scales

                  Prof. Karl Böhringer (EE)


Mar. 8:       Molecular Biomimetics - Lessons. from Nature

                  for Molecular Engineering and Nano/Bio-

                  Technology Materials – Prof. Mehmet Sarikaya (MSE)