Junlan Wang's Biosketch

Prof. Junlan Wang


Prof. Junlan Wang
Department of Mechanical Engineering
MEB 208, Box 352600
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195

Faculty Page

Tel (office): (206)543-4601
Fax: (206)685-8047


Junlan Wang is a Professor in the Deparment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington (UW).

Previously, She was an associate professor (2008) and assistant professor (2003-2008) of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Riverside (UCR). At UCR, she was also a participating faculty member of the Materials Science and Engineering Program, the UCR Stem Cell Research Center, and a cooperating faculty member of the Department of Electrical Engineering. She acted as an adjunct professor for the California Institute of Nanotochnology in 2008.

Before joining UCR, Junlan spent one year at Brown University as a Post Doctoral Research Associate (Advisor: Prof. Kyung-Suk Kim). She received her Ph.D. degree (2002) in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) (Advisors: Prof. Nancy R. Sottos and Prof. Richard L. Weaver), and M.S. and B.S. degrees in Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) (Advisor: Prof. Xiao-Ping Wu).

As a faculty member, Junlan is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, the SEM Frocht Award, Hetenyi Award and Durelli Award, the ASEE Beer and Johnston Outstanding New Mechanics Eductor Award, the Bourns College of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, the ASME Materials Division Certificate of Recognition, the NSF Summer Institute Fellowship, the UC TSR&TP New Investigator, and the UC Regents Faculty Fellowship and the Faculty Development Award. While studying at UIUC, Junlan received a Thomas J. Dolan Award, a Fred B. Seely Award, a Dissertation Completion Fellowship, all for academic excellence, and a Graduate Teacher Certificate for effective teaching practices. At USTC, Junlan's honors include a Guang-Hua Outstanding Graduate Award, an ELITE Experimental Science Award, and People's Scholarships for outstanding undergraduate students.

Junlan is a member of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the Materials Research Society (MRS), and the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). Within ASME, she served as the vice-Chair (2005-2006) and Chair (2006-2008) of the Materials Division Multifunctional Materials Technical Committee, Chair (2011-2013) of the Applied Mechanics Division Experimental Mechanics Technical Committee, and served as a member of the Materials Division Executive Committee (2008-2015, Chair 2015), General Conference Chair of the 2015 joint ASME Applied Mechanics and Materials summer meeting (McMat), and Associate Technical Editor of Journal of Applied Mechanics (2016-2018). Within SEM, she served as Secretary, vice-Chair and Chair of the Research Committee (2011-2017), Track Organizer for topic "Mechanics of Advanced and Additve Manufacturing" for 2017 and 2018 SEM annual conference. Currently, she is an Associate Technical Editor for SEM journal Experimental Mechanics (2013-present). .