NESAC/BIO Core projects are aimed at advancing the state-of-the-art for surface analysis in biology and medicine through a combination of developments in new instrumentation, experimental techniques, and data analysis methods. Core projects are selected to expand NESAC/BIO spectroscopic and imaging capabilities for obtaining detailed information about the surfaces of complex biomaterials. These projects are organized and done by NESAC/BIO investigators, staff, post-docs, and students.
Core projects fall within the categories of:
-Standards and Model Systems
-Surface Chemical State Imaging
-Instrument and Technique Development
(Please see "Publications" link for more information on these and other core projects)
-Characterization and Functionalization of Gold Nanoparticles
-Conformation and Orientation of Immobilized Proteins
-Multivariate Processing of ToF-SIMS Images
-SFG Spectroscopy
-Cluster Ion Beam Sources for ToF-SIMS Analysis of Biomaterials
-LK Peptide Adsorption onto Self-Assembled Monolayers