• July 19, 2024

    RECAP: Pactrans Summer Research Workshop 2024

    On June 14, 2024, PacTrans hosted our annual summer research workshop at the Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center at Discovery Park in Seattle, Washington.

    Nearly 50 participants representing local/state agencies, industry partners, non-profits, and university researchers and students, from the Pacific Northwest (Federal Region 10 that includes Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington) attended. The workshop goal was to discuss major mobility challenges in the region and brainstorm potential solutions, which play a central role in guiding future research directions.

    The workshop featured two breakout sessions, each 45-min in duration, with 5-6 parallel breakout groups organized around PacTrans major research themes.The first one was on regional mobility challenges and the second was on potential solutions. See the themes listed below.

    1. Improved Equity and Accessibility
    2. Multimodal System and Connectivity
    3. Safety, Reliability, and Resiliency, with Climate Change
    4. Human-System Integration
    5. Developing Transformative Solutions


    During the session on regional mobility challenges, participants highlighted issues such as the lack of human-centered design, insufficient supporting infrastructure (both physical and financial), and equity concerns.

    In the session on potential solutions, it was emphasized that our primary focus should be understanding the needs of the people who use our systems. This understanding should guide improvements in technology, design, infrastructure, and political systems.

    Noteworthy is that while PacTrans conducts dedicated education/workforce activities, the recommendations here on challenges and potential solutions related to education clearly indicate that the research and education activities are closely related, and can inform each other to be more relevant and mutually beneficial.

    View Full PacTrans Research Workshop Summary Here