• March 12, 2018

    PacTrans Funded Research Leads to SCTL Pilot on Innovative Goods Delivery Systems

    One of PacTrans’ ongoing research projects, lead by UW PI Dr. Anne Goodchild is titled, Final 50 Feet of the Urban Goods Delivery System: Pilot Test of an Innovative Improvement Strategy. Dr. Goodchild is the founding director of the Supply Chain and Transportation Logistics Center housed at the University of Washington, where this research is being conducted. Dr. Goodchild, along with her student researchers and staff, are partnering with the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) to pilot test a common-carrier smart locker system in the Seattle Municipal Tower from late March through April 2018. The pilot will test the ability of new mini-distribution centers in cities – such as smart lockers – to create delivery density and reduce the time delivery people have to spend in urban towers to complete their work. The Lab is collecting ‘before’ and ‘after’ data to evaluate the pilot’s premise: that when delivery trucks can pull into a load/unload space that’s close to a mini-distribution node with delivery density (lots of deliveries in one place), everyone benefits.

    To learn more about this upcoming pilot please see their press release here.