• October 21, 2016

    Seattle Academy Junior Wins ARTBA Student Transportation Video Contest

    Each year the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) hosts a student transportation video contest. This contest is geared toward getting students to creatively share their views on transportation and infrastructure with the rest of the world. This year forty-five (45) videos were submitted, and in the General Transportation Category, in the K-12 age group, the winner was Josh Jaffe, a Seattle Academy Junior.

    Josh’s video, title, “Seattle’s Developing Transit,” discusses the need to further develop Seattle’s public transit system to accommodate for the population growth of the city. The video makes suggestions to expand and repair current infrastructure to access more communities in the Seattle area by creating a more developed subway system and improving existing bus routes.

    This annual contest has several objectives. First, it is just one of many initiatives that the transportation industry is pursuing in an effort to better advertise to, and stimulate interest in, STEM subjects with youth. Second, it gives a voice to our youth. Youth are probably the only underrepresented, underinvested, and underserved group that nobody ever talks about…because they can’t vote. But youth are our future, and they need a seat at the table. This initiative, and others like it, give youth the opportunity to voice their opinions.

    PacTrans is proud to be able to fight this fight with ARTBA, and we’re proud of Josh and the creativity and intelligence that he has displayed with this video. Congratulations Josh