Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

May 17, 2016

NPS Funding Opportunity: Roger Williams Natl Memorial

Completion of National Register Documentation for Roger Williams National Memorial

Roger Williams National Park Service (the Park), with the support of the Northeast Region History Program, has identified the needed to complete National Register of Historic Places (National Register) documentation and is seeking a researcher(s) to inventory, evaluate, and register the park’s resources in all appropriate historic contexts. The project will produce National Register documentation which evaluates all Park resources according to National Register criteria for significance and integrity.

A detailed Scope of Work and further information is attached to this announcement.

Letters of Interest  should be directed before the closing date May 18, 2016 to Bethany Serafine ( Please address any comments or questions to Serafine by email or phone (802-457-3368 x 250).