Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Past Funding Opportunities

January 29, 2019

USACE Funding Opportunity: USCRP Research Topic 4: Evaluating OCS Sand Resources, Response to Dredging

REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF INTEREST W912HZ-19-SOI-0010 Project Title: USCRP Research Topic 4: Evaluating the Distribution and Geotechnical Properties of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Sand Resources and Coupled Environmental Response to Dredging The full announcement with instructions for applying is available W912HZ-19-SOI-0010_Topic 04. Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest will be used to identify potential…

USACE Funding Opportunity: USCRP Research Topic 2: Coastal Structure Design and Rehabilitation

REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF INTEREST W912HZ-19-SOI-0009 Project Title: USCRP Research Topic 2: Coastal Structure Design and Rehabilitation Incorporating Stochastic Risk and Uncertainty The full announcement with instructions for applying is available here: W912HZ-19-SOI-0009_Topic 02. Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest will be used to identify potential investigators for studies to be sponsored by the…

USACE Funding Opportunity: USCRP Research Topic 1: Identify and Communicate Coastal Impacts

REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF INTEREST W912HZ-19-SOI-0008 Project Title: USCRP Research Topic 1: Identify and Communicate Coastal Impacts Full RSOI and instructions for applying is available W912HZ-19-SOI-0008_Topic01. Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest (RSOI) will be used to identify potential investigators for studies to be sponsored by the U.S. Army of Engineer (USACE) Engineer…

January 22, 2019

USACE Funding Opportunity: Willamette Valley Project – ESA listed species

REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF INTEREST PACIFIC NORTHWEST CESU NUMBER W912HZ-19-SOI-0005 PROJECT TO BE INITIATED IN FY 2019 Project Title: Decision support and analysis of alternatives to address effects of the Corps’ Willamette Valley Project on ESA listed species Full Announcement is available W912HZ-19-SOI-0005. The US Army Corps of Engineers (Portland District) plans to review alternatives…

December 20, 2018

NPS Rocky Mt Call for Park-Funded Research Proposals

Rocky Mountain National Park 2019 Call for Park-Funded Research Proposals Due: January 21, 2019 Do you have a park management question that a research project could address? Purpose The Continental Divide Research Learning Center (CDRLC) is issuing a request for proposals in three categories including research, technical assistance, and education projects.  These projects should aim…

NPS Opportunity: Boyd Evison Graduate Fellowship

BOYD EVISON GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP FOR THE GREATER YELLOWSTONE ECOSYSTEM 2019 CALL—APPLICATIONS DUE JANUARY 25, 2019 The Grand Teton Association (GTA) offers a fellowship of up to $10,000/project for graduate studies focused on documenting lesser-known aspects of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem–Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks, the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway, and surrounding lands….

DOD Funding Opportunity: Humpback Whale Tagging

REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF INTEREST WITHIN THE COOPERATIVE ECOSYSTEM STUDIES UNIT INTEREST #N62473-19-2-0002 PROJECT TO BE INITIATED IN 2019 Project Title: Humpback Whale Tagging in Support of Marine Mammal Monitoring Across Multiple Navy Training Areas in the Pacific Ocean Approximately $423,123.00 is expected to be available to support this project for the base year, $459,927.00…

December 17, 2018

USACE Funding Opportunity: Water Quality Modeling Support for Columbia and Snake River System

STATEMENTS OF INTEREST PACIFIC NORTHWEST CESU NUMBER W912HZ-19-SOI-0004 PROJECT TO BE INITIATED IN FY2019 Project Title: Water Quality Modeling Support for Columbia and Snake River System Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest will be used to identify potential investigators for a project to be funded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)…

December 12, 2018

USACE Funding Opportunity: Natural Resources Support Nellis Air Force Base Nevada

Natural Resources Support Nellis Air Force Base Nevada  POA-CESU-19-01 Estimated Total Funding: $616,500 Application Due Date: 7 January 2019 Announcement Listing is located here: USACE_POA_CESU_19_01. The objectives of the work to be performed under this cooperative agreement are to conduct natural resource tasks on the federal lands belonging to Nellis Air Force Base (AFB), and to…

December 10, 2018

NPS Mt Rainier Internship Opportunity

An internship opportunity at Mount Rainier National Park through the Future Park Leaders of Emerging Change (FPL) Program to assess water supply use and future demand in Mount Rainier National Park, and develop a range of alternative water supply options accounting for potential stressors including increased visitation, expansion of park operations, and a changing climate. The…

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