Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Past Funding Opportunities

August 28, 2017

Shenandoah National Park Trust Research Fellowship Program Opens for Applications

Luray, Virginia: Applications for the Shenandoah National Park Trust research fellowship program to facilitate and encourage scientific research in Shenandoah National Park will be accepted from September 15 to October 31, 2017. Funded by the Shenandoah National Park Trust, the grant supports field research in the physical, biological, ecological, social, and cultural sciences. The funding…

May 30, 2017

USACE SOI: CE-QUAL W2 Model Support for Columbia and Snake River System

STATEMENTS OF INTEREST PACIFIC NORTHWEST CESU NUMBER W912HZ-17-SOI-0015 PROJECT TO BE INITIATED IN 2017 Full project SOI document located here. Project Title: CE-QUAL W2 Model Support for Columbia and Snake River System Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest will be used to identify potential investigators for a project to be funded by the…

May 10, 2017

BOEM Funding Opportunity: Wave & Hydrodynamic Modeling Nearshore Beaufort Sea

Please find the following Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFA) via Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Document Type: Grants Notice Funding Opportunity Number: M17AS00015 Funding Opportunity Title: BOEM FY 2017 Environmental Studies Program Opportunity Category: Discretionary Opportunity Category Explanation: Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative Agreement Category of Funding Activity: Energy Environment Category Explanation: Expected Number of…

May 5, 2017

NPS Funding Opportunity: Ethnobotany & Traditional Knowledge Wind Cave Natl Park

National Park Service Funding Opportunity Title: Ethnobotany and Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota Funding Opportunity Number: P17AS00218 Funding Opportunity Closes: 06/09/2017 Full Announcement is here. The National Park Service (NPS), through the Midwest Regional Office (MWRO), is seeking proposals to document ethnobotany and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) at Wind Cave…

April 11, 2017

NPS Harpers Ferry Natl Historical Park Funding Opportunity

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park is seeking interest for a project involving cataloging oral histories from Storer College and making them available on the web.  Please see the complete posting at the link below: We are seeking proposals through Friday, April 21.

March 22, 2017

DOD Request for Pre-proposals

Department of Defense The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment, Safety and Occupational Health has signed the Fiscal Year 2018 DoD Legacy Resource Management (Legacy) Program Request for Pre-Proposals. Pre-proposals are due Friday, April 21, 2017, on the DoD Legacy Tracker website (www The DoD Legacy Program funds high priority conservation projects that…

February 13, 2017

DOD USACE Funding Opportunities

US Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, Program Title: Legacy Resource Mgmt Program NWO-CESU-17-13, MANAGEMENT, SPECIES, HAWAIIAN PETREL; KOKEE AFS $92,500, Current Closing Date for Applications: Mar 13, 2017 The 611th Civil Engineer Squadron (CES) is the real property owner of an Air Force Station on the island Kauai. The 611th CES is also responsible for the…

January 25, 2017

DOD RSOI Acoustic Monitoring Marine Mammals Gulf of Alaska

Department of Defense RSOI REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF INTEREST WITHIN THE COOPERATIVE ECOSYSTEM STUDIES UNIT INTEREST #N62473-17-2-0002 PROJECT TO BE INITIATED IN 2017 Project Title: Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Alaska Range Complex Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest (RSOI) will address marine species monitoring in the Gulf…

DOD RSOI Humpback Whale Tagging

Department of Defense RSOI REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF INTEREST WITHIN THE COOPERATIVE ECOSYSTEM STUDIES UNIT INTEREST #N62473-17-2-0001 PROJECT TO BE INITIATED IN 2017 Project Title: Humpback Whale Tagging in Support of Marine Mammal Monitoring Across Multiple Navy Training Areas in the Pacific Ocean Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest (RSOI) will address measures…

December 6, 2016

NPS Young Leaders in Climate Change Internship Opportunities

2017 CALL FOR STUDENT APPLICATIONS GEORGE MELENDEZ WRIGHT INITIATIVE FOR YOUNG LEADERS IN CLIMATE CHANGE The NPS Climate Change Response Program and the University of Washington are pleased to invite graduate and upper-level undergraduate students and recent graduates to apply to the 2017 Young Leaders in Climate Change (YLCC) Initiative! The YLCC is a paid summer…

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