Wy’east Post-Baccalaureate Pathway

Image result for wy'east post baccalaureate pathway

The Northwest Native American Center of Excellence (NNACoE) is excited to announce their second year of the Wy’east Post-Baccalaureate Pathway.

Wy’east will prepare American Indian and Alaska Native students for successful application to medical school and to excel as medical students and physicians. Successful completion of Wy’east results in conditional acceptance into the Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine.

The application will open April 1, 2019.

The NNACoE is housed at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Oregon, and is a collaboration between OHSU, Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board and Portland State University and is made possible through a five-year grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.    

Learn more and apply here.

Contact Marissa Fuqua Miller for more information at milmaris@ohsu.edu

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