SDB Screens

SRF125 - Student Insurance Selection

Jump to instructions for this screen

              S T U D E N T   I N S U R A N C E   S E L E C T I O N         *B*

XXXXXXX 000465724 XXX-82-XXXX
XXXXX,XXXXXXXXXX                           07/20/77 __
QTR/YR: AUT/1998
                    QUARTERLY   ANNUAL

STUDENT ONLY            _         _
STUDENT/SPOUSE          _         _
STD/SPOUSE/CHILD        _         _
STUDENT/CHILD           _         _
NO INSURANCE            X
ASUW:                   YES:_     NO:X
WASHPIRG:               YES:_     NO:X
STUDENT LOBBY:          YES:_     NO:X

Instructions for screen SRF125

When calling STAR to register for the first time for a quarter, students are asked a series of questions. The answers to these questions are displayed on this screen. If a student needs to make changes to the options that she chose when first registering, she is able to make these changes on STAR. Therefore, this screen is not usually used by staff to change options for a student. Also, staff only have access to making changes on this screen for the student (if necessary) until the end of the first week of the quarter.

SRF120 | SDB Screen Index | SRF130

Screen last updated:June 25, 2009, 12:00 pm