SDB Screens

SRF230A - Time Schedule Update 2

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               T I M E   S C H E D U L E   U P D A T E   # 2                *M*
                                                                  2/04/13 14:05
QTR/YEAR:WIN/2013  SLN:00000  ACTION:2 (C,1,2)    SEND TO R25:_


        SPLIT PRIME                                          CONTACT  SMALLEST

    __    _    __  ______  ____-____ _   ____ ________   _ (    ) __._ ____
    __    _    __  ______  ____-____ _   ____ ________   _ (    ) __._ ____
    __    _    __  ______  ____-____ _   ____ ________   _ (    ) __._ ____

      DATE:__/__/____      ____-____ _   ____ ________

Instructions for screen SRF230A

Used to update the "What", "When" and "Where" of a course.

If you transfer here from SRF230, then SLN, BRANCH, CURRIC, COURSE, and SECTION will be automatically filled in. Otherwise, you can enter either SLN or BRANC, CURRIC, COURSE, and SECTION. If you enter all, SLN takes precedence.

SEND TO R25: Any non-space character can go into this field to initiate the import vCal process to R25. If any change is made to DAYS, START-END, or BLDG/ROOM, the import process happens automatically and SEND TO R25 is not needed.

TYPE __ Same as on SRF 230 and also listed as SECTION CODE on SRF 230A. The TYPE for the first meeting pattern cannot be changed on the SRF230A.

SPLIT PRIME and PRIME SECTION: These fields are no longer used.


DAYS: - days this meeting pattern meets - MTWRFS. Field is space specific; e.g., M always goes in the first space in the field.

START: - Time this meeting pattern starts. Must be 4 numbers and not in military time.

END: - Time this meeting pattern ends

PM: Enter 'P' if start time is at least 4:00pm.

BLDG - Building in which this course meets. Building code is 2, 3, or 4 characters.

ROOM: Room in which this course meets. First space is reserved for room prefixes (e.g., A123). Room number always starts in the second position in this field, unless the room prefix is more than one character. If the room has no prefix, put in a space and start the room number in the second space.

S25: A code that Schedule 25 (the room-assignment algorithm) uses to know how to assign a space. If you do not wish the section to be imported into R25, put an 'X' in the S25 field. Otherwise, leave as is.

CONTACT HOURS: The number of hours that an instructor is in contact with the students per week. The system automatically calculates this value based on days and times and puts that value in the parentheses just to the left of this field.

SMALLEST ROOM CAP: The capacity of the smallest room assigned to this section. A nearly nightly process assigns room caps.

FINAL EXAM: When a day/time is set for the section, the system automatically determines the day/time of the final exam based on the first meeting pattern. Either the instructor or Time Schedule Coordinator can confirm that a final will be held, decline the final, or reschedule the final (per the Final Exam Guidelines).

  • 0 = NOT DETERMINED. Final exam has not been confirmed by the instructor or department.
  • 1 = NO. No final exam will be held.
  • 2 = YES. Final exam has been confirmed by the instructor or department.
  • 3 = YES, OFF GRID. Final exam has been approved by the Dean to be held in variation from the official final exam schedule.
DATE: Final exam date must be within the offical finals week as posted in the Academic Calendar.

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Screen last updated:August 28, 2015, 12:00 pm