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SRI310 S T U D E N T A C A D E M I C S U M M A R Y *J* XXXXXXX 000018235 000-00-XXXX STUDENT,J J 11/11/11 __ 08/01/97 REVIEWED/COM HIGH SCH:000000- HS GRAD:00/00/00 PRIOR SUMMARY: GRD ATT: 0.O NONGRD: 0.O DEDUCT: 0.O GR PTS: 0.00 CLASS:00 CUM GPA:3.04 (GR PTS: 106.50 AT: 35.0) CUM CR: 52.0 (UW: 52.0 TR: 0.0 EX: 0.0) TRANSCRIPT COMMENT: STUDY IN CHINA: CIEE PROGRAM, PEKING UNIVERSITY CHINA,FALL 1995. STARTING QUARTER:WINTER 1998 LAST SCHOLAR8HIP: ACTN QTR/YR STATUS CLASS 1ST COL AND MAJOR CU GPA GPA SCHOL ATT EARNED GR PT _ AUT/l991 REGIST JUNIOR C/PREMAJ-00-00 3.40 3.40 NONE 10.0 5.0 34.00 _ WIN/1992 REGIST JUNIOR B/L ARCH-00-00 2.96 1.50 PROBA 15.0 10.0 4.50 _ SPR/1992 REGIST JUNIOR B/L ARCH-00-00 3.46 4.00 HI/PR 17.0 17.0 48.00 _ SUM/1992 WITHDR JUNIOR C/MUSAP -00-00 3.46 0.00 NONE 0.0 0.0 0.00 _ AUT/1994 REGIST SENIOR B/L ARCH-00-00 3.55 4.00 NONE 20.0 20.0 20.00 _ WIN/1995 REGIST 5TH YR C/CHEM -00-41 3.55 3.58 NONE 18.0 8.0 64.50 _ WIN/1997 NSF CK SENIOR E C/CMU E -00-11 3.55 0.00 DROP 0.0 0.0 0.00 _ SPR/1997 WITHDR GRAD J/A A -00-16 3.55 4.00 NONE 15.0 5.0 40.00 _ AUT/1997 NSF CK GRAD J/A A -10-26 3.55 0.00 NONE 5.0 0.0 0.00 RECORD CONTINUES WITH WINTER 1998
This screen displays the cumulative credit summary and a one-line-per-quarter summary of the student's academic history at the University.
PRIOR SUMMARY: If a student has a prior record (record before AUT 1983) totals will be displayed here.
CUM GPA: student's cumulative GPA to date.
CUM CR: displays student's current credits separated into UW, transfer and extension categories.
TRANSCRIPT COMMENT: Includes Admissions transfer comments and Faculty Actions entered by GAR's staff regarding approved graduation petitions or exceptions made by departments, colleges, and the Office of the Registrar.
STARTING QUARTER: The quarter that follows on the next page.
LAST SCHOLARSHIP: Displays the scholarship status for the student's last completed quarter.
ACTN: Action. X in field next to a particular quarter brings up SRF315 for that quarter. The rest of the columns list the status, class, 1st college and major, cumulative GPA scholarship and quarterly attempted and earned credits and grade points for that particular quarter.
SCHOL: Displays scholarship status.
WARN: An undergraduate student whose GPA falls below 2.00 in his/her first quarter at the University receives an academic warning.