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SRU311 P R I O R G R A D E S U M M A R Y U P D A T E *S* XXXXXXX 000248227 XXX-19-XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXX 12/24/62 __ ENROLLED FOR QTR/YEAR: SPR/1993 ENROLLMENT-STATUS: 96 WITHDRAWAL CLASS 08 GRADUATE PRIOR CUMULATIVE GRADED ATTEMPTED: ___._ NON-GRADED EARNED: ___._ DEDUCTIBLE: ___._ GRADE POINTS: ___._ CLASS: __ GRAD STUDENT SUMMARY - INCLUDE ALL QTRS? Y (Y=YES) TRANSCRIPT COMMENT ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
This screen is used to enter a student's prior academic record totals from the microfiche record and to post transcript comments to the SDB.
Data Services enters credit and GPA totals from the microfiche record. This information is updated if a student is returning.
GRAD STUDENT SUMMARY - INCLUDE ALL QTRS? Y (Y=YES): Graduate students used to have the option of combining credit totals for all quarters (Y) or selecting only the quarters that the major code was the same (N). That is no longer an option. TIP Sometimes if the credits are not totaling correctly on SRF310 if you change N to Y the totals are corrected.
TRANSCRIPT COMMENT: Faculty actions, Admissions Office comments and exceptions approved by the Office of the Registrar are posted here and on SRF315 and SRF325. They display on SRF310, 315, and 325 and print out in the comment section of the transcript.