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SRI500 S T U D E N T / A P P L I C A N T L O C A T O R * * _______ _________ ___-__-____ _____________________________________________ __/__/__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NAME TO LOCATE: ______________________________ LINE NUMBER FOR DETAIL: __ PEOPLE TO LOCATE: APPLICANTS:_ STUDENTS:_ TEST SCORES:_ DOCUMENTS:_
This screen is used to locate students or applicants in the SDB. To search for a student enter their name as shown below. Always use upper case letters for the name. Following the last name is a comma, then the first name. Do not add any spaces between these entries. Use of abbreviations is possible; only enough needs to be entered to make the entry unique.
SRI500 S T U D E N T / A P P L I C A N T L O C A T O R * * _______ _________ ___-__-____ _____________________________________________ __/__/__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NAME TO LOCATE: STUDENT,JAMES AVERAGE_____________________ LINE NUMBER FOR DETAIL: __ PEOPLE TO LOCATE: APPLICANTS:_ STUDENTS:_ TEST SCORES:_ DOCUMENTS:_
Once a list of names shows on your screen, you can enter an 'X' on the left of the screen next to the name or enter the LINE NUMBER FOR DETAIL at the bottom of the screen.
Use Send to retrieve the information. If the information exists, you will be transferred to the SRF305 screen for students, the SRF505 screen for applicants or the SRF535 screen for unmatched test scores.
If the data does not exist, an error message TRANSFER NOT PERMITTED will display.
The bottom of the SRF505 screen shows the transfer screens for test scores and prior schools. To transfer to the SRF507 screen for test scores, press Home, type SRT507 and then Send. Depending upon the information you want to see about an entry, enter an 'X' by APPLICANTS, STUDENTS, TEST SCORES and/or DOCUMENTS. You can enter an 'X' in all the fields that you want. If you flag either STUDENTS or APPLICANTS the flag acts like a filter on the SDB to include data from the relevant list. If you flag TEST SCORES it will show the people who have unmatched test scores. After choosing the options you want information about, use the Send key to process the request. You can then continue to narrow down the details until you get the information you require. If you want to go back a screenful enter '--' (dash dash) in place of a NAME TO LOCATE, and if you wish to page through the SDB, continue to use Send.
There are different views available for the SRF500 screen. Departmental access does not include social security numbers. This information is only available to areas who need this access to complete their jobs, such as, Financial Aid and Admissions.