Teen Health and the Media
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• October 22, 2009 - Nicole Kidman says Hollywood contributes to violence against women
Actor heads to Washington in her role as a UN ambassador to support legislation aimed at tackling abuse

• October 07, 2009 - Social Marketing Examples from Promotion Board Presentation
National Fruit and Vegetable Research and Promotion Board

• September 04, 2009 - Don't Drink Yourself Fat.
New York State has shelved the idea of a tax on sugary sodas and juice drinks. But New York City's public health officials opened a new front in their struggle against high-calorie beverages on Monday, unveiling an ad campaign that depicts globs of human fat gushing from a soda bottle.

"Are you pouring on the pounds?" asks the ad, which urges viewers to consider water, seltzer or low-fat milk instead, and warns: "Don't drink yourself fat." The ad - which cost about $277,000 to develop over three fiscal years, including money for creative work and focus groups - will run in 1,500 subway cars for three months. (The $90,000 cost of the subway advertisement comes through a private donor, the Fund for Public Health in New York.)

• April 20, 2009 - New Website

New Nutrition and Media Website Now Online.

The Northwest Center for Excellence in Media Literacy, College of Education, University of Washington, and Action For Media Education (AME), are pleased to announce a new website: Nutritionandmedia.org.This website contains a wealth of information available in interactive menus, including information concerning body image and healthy ways to achieve your fitness and diet goals.

For more information about the Nutritionandmedia project, please contact Marilyn Cohen, Ph.D. (macohen@u.washington.edu) or call 1-888-833-6638. You may also reach the developers through the 'contact us' section of the website.

• March 30, 2009 - TeensHealth and Body Image
The Nemours Foundation offers a section of their website focused entirely on body image and self-esteem for teens. An excerpt of the site follows.
I'm fat. I'm too skinny. I'd be happy if I were taller, shorter, had curly hair, straight hair, a smaller nose, bigger muscles, longer legs.

Do any of these statements sound familiar? Are you used to putting yourself down? If so, you're not alone. As a teen, you're going through a ton of changes in your body. And as your body changes, so does your image of yourself. Lots of people have trouble adjusting, and this can affect their self-esteem.

Why Are Self-Esteem and Body Image Important?
Self-esteem is all about how much people value themselves, the pride they feel in themselves, and how worthwhile they feel. Self-esteem is important because feeling good about yourself can affect how you act. A person who has high self-esteem will make friends easily, is more in control of his or her behavior, and will enjoy life more.

Body image is how a person feels about his or her own physical appearance.

For many people, especially people in their early teens, body image can be closely linked to self-esteem. That’s because as kids develop into teens, they care more about how others see them.

• March 24, 2009 - Food Revolution in Season?
New York Times Article Here.

As tens of thousands of people recently strolled among booths of the nation’s largest organic and natural foods show here, munching on fair-trade chocolate and sipping organic wine, a few dozen pioneers of the industry sneaked off to an out-of-the-way conference room.

Although unit sales of organic food have leveled off and even declined lately, versus a year earlier, the mood among those crowded into the conference room was upbeat as they awaited a private screening of a documentary called “Food Inc.” — a withering critique of agribusiness and industrially produced food.

They also gathered to relish their changing political fortunes, courtesy of the Obama administration.

“This has never been just about business,” said Gary Hirshberg, chief executive of Stonyfield Farm, the maker of organic yogurt. “We are here to change the world. We dreamt for decades of having this moment.”

After being largely ignored for years by Washington, advocates of organic and locally grown food have found a receptive ear in the White House, which has vowed to encourage a more nutritious and sustainable food supply.

• July 26, 2006 - The Seattle Times
Obesity-related diabetes riskier for children, study says
CHICAGO — Children who get obesity-related diabetes face a much higher risk of kidney failure and death by middle age than people who develop diabetes as adults, a study suggests.

• July 19, 2006 -
Just launched: MyPopStudio.com, a creative online play experience that strengthens critical thinking skills about television, music, magazines and online media directed at girls. Users select from four behind-the-scenes opportunities to learn more about mass media: the Magazine Studio; the TV Studio; the Music Studio; and the Digital Studio. Users can edit their own reality show, create their own pop star, or turn into a celebrity to see how it feels! My Pop Studio was created by a team of researchers and media professionals at the Media Education Lab, located at Temple University's School of Communication and Theater in the Department of Broadcast Telecommunication and Mass Media. New AMLA Board member Sherri Hope Culver and AMLA member Renee Hobbs led the production team.

• July 18, 2006 - www.comercialfreechildhood.org
Coke No Longer a Social Choice;
TIAA-CREF Removes Coca-Cola from Socially Screened Fund

After a grassroots campaign led by the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Child (CCFC) and the Make TIAA-CREF Ethical coalition, the pension giant TIAA-CREF announced today that it had removed The Coca-Cola Company from its CREF Social Choice Account, the world’s largest socially screened fund for individual investors. The move comes after KLD Research and Analytics, a world leader in defining corporate responsibility standards, removed The Coca-Cola Company from its Broad Market Social Index (BMSI). As of December 31, 2005, the CREF Social Choice Account held 1,250,500 shares of Coca-Cola common stock valued at more than $50 million.

• June 27, 2006 - Seattle Post Intelligencer
Where Do You Fit-in?
November 13, 2005
-Pizza is the top choice for take-out (chosen by 78% of Americans), followed by Chinese food (53%) and fast food (35%).
-Fruit has blossomed into the No.1 snack for adults (picked by 76%), followed by popcorn and ice cream. Kids go for cookies.
-Eliminating an entire food group from one's diet, such as cutting out carbs or fats, is now considered to be "unhealthy" by the majority (76%).
-Women still outnumber men as the primary food-shoppers in U.S. households (71% vs. 12%).
-In almost half of U.S. households, multiple diners are prepared at least once a week. The primary reason for such catch-as-catch-can cooking–-cited by 45%--is not that household members have "different tastes" but rather "different schedules."
-By and large, we brown-bag it: 44% of Americans bring lunch from home o eat at work.

• February 03, 2006 -
Eating Disorders Awareness Week: February 26-March 4, 2006
Eating Disorders Awareness Week is a national observance
designed to enhance efforts to prevent eating disorders. This observance
directs attention to the serious damage and consequences that eating
disorders can have on a person's body and overall health. It also
focuses on the emotional issues that can deprive people with eating
disorders of a happy and productive life. The theme for this year's
observance is "Be Comfortable In Your Genes."

• February 03, 2006 - Campaign For A Commercial-Free Childhood & The Center For Science in the Public Interest
Parents and Advocates Will Sue Viacom & Kellogg
Lawsuit Aimed at Stopping Junk-Food Marketing to Children by Kellogg and Viacom's Nickelodeon.

• February 03, 2006 - The Center for Health and Health Care in Schools
Lawsuits to Target Beverages in Schools
Lawyers who successfully brought lawsuits against the tobacco industry for damage caused by tobacco products say they will file suit in Massachusetts next year against beverage companies who sell soda and other sugary beverages to students in schools.

• February 03, 2006 - The New York Times
Report Links TV Ads and Childhood Obesity
A federal advisory institution says that there is compelling evidence linking television advertising and the rise of childhood obesity in the U.S.

• February 03, 2006 - Institute of Medicine of The National Academies
Focus On Childhood Obesity
A new fact sheet is available that describes the role that government can play in preventing childhood obesity. The report also lists the role of advertising, marketing, and the media in creating and preventing the problem.

• February 03, 2006 - Institute of Medicine of The National Academies
Institute of Medicine report, Food Marketing to Children and Youth: Threat or Opportunity?
How marketing influences children and youth is the focus of the IOM report. The report provides the most comprehensive review to date of the scientific evidence on the influence of food marketing on diets and diet-related health of children and youth. The study was requested by Congress and sponsored by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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