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• May 21, 2003 - The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Anti-smokers were disturbed to see actress Nicole Kidman openly smoking at a media briefing. They cite that the moment created free advertising for tobacco companies when her image was reproduced in the papers and television.

• April 30, 2003 - The Seattle Times
The US appears unlikely to sign a woldwide tobacco treaty. "Anti-tobacco activists and foreign diplomats say the U.S. demand is an attempt to water down the treaty to benefit tobacco companies or to unravel the agreement entirely."

• April 15, 2003 - The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
In a further development of the Altria/Philip Morris case mentioned earlier, Altria/Philip Morris have made there yearly payments due to the states on time.

• April 08, 2003 - Seattle Post-Intelligencer
In a new tobacco settlement for false advertising of light cigarettes in Illinois, a judge has ruled that Altria (Philip Morris) must post a $12 billion bond. This could bankrupt Altria/Philip Morris, and cut off $53 million due to come to washington this year.

• April 08, 2003 - The Seattle Times
Smoking is now banned in New York City bars.

• April 01, 2003 - BBC News
Smoking bans could prevent heart attacks. For six months last year, Helena, Montana banned smoking in public places. The incidence of heart attacks fell nearly 60%.

• March 12, 2003 - health-news.co.uk
In contrast to the recent Washington State findings, children in Britain are more likely to experiment with smoking and live with someone who smokes now than they were 20 years ago.

• March 12, 2003 - BBC News
New evidence shows that second-hand smoke might contribute to the development of cavities in children's teeth.

• March 11, 2003 - The Seattle Times
A new study shows that fewer kids are smoking and drinking in Washington State.

• March 05, 2003 - Bloomberg.com
Philip Morris USA, the biggest U.S. cigarette maker, is considering moving headquarters to Richmond, Virginia from New York to save recently renamed parent Altria Group Inc. money.

• March 05, 2003 - Associated Press
Washington State legislators are considering a public smoking ban. Read more here.

• February 27, 2003 - Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Nearly two-thirds of those surveyed favor a total ban on smoking inside public spaces, according to a poll commissioned by an alliance of anti-smoking organizations. "The only demographic group that didn't support this was the people who smoke," he said.""

• February 27, 2003 - HealthNews.co.uk
Doctors are launching a new website that is dedicated to providing reliable facts about tobacco and its health risks.

• February 25, 2003 - BBC News
Health campaigners from the US have asked that the US withdraw from negotiations regarding an international anti-tobacco treaty.

• February 25, 2003 - University of San Diego / Tobacco.org
While not exactly news per se, two tobacco timelines detailing the fight against tobacco have recently been brought to our attention. One is from the University of San Diego, and the other is from Tobacco.org.

• February 19, 2003 -
The World Health Organization has set out to make a "world health treaty", to limit both the supply and demand of cigarettes.

• February 13, 2003 - BBC News
The UK has instituted a ban on all tobacco advertisements. The ban outlaws ads in magazines, newspapers and on billboards.

• February 04, 2003 - New York Times
Ireland is going to ban smoking in workplaces. Yes, this does include pubs too.

• February 04, 2003 - TurnerLearning.com
The most recent episode of the WB's 7th Heaven will focus on smoking and its effects. The WB network is allowing taping rights and free use of the program for the next year. They also offer free on-line education kits, including backgrounders, quitting tips, parents' guides, and other resources at the web site.

• January 10, 2003 - Seattle Times
City may ask park users to snuff out cigarettes.

• January 07, 2003 - yahoo.com
Apparently, James Bond has resumed smoking in his latest movie. After quitting for 13 years, it seems the original international man of mystery is back smoking a cigar in the new movie.

• December 16, 2002 - no-smoking.org
The City of New York could pass a new public smoking ban that would force even Phillip Morris executives to smoke outside.

• December 10, 2002 - Time Magazine
Teenagers are flocking to a new type of cigarette that may be even more dangerous than the conventional cigarette.

• October 19, 2002 - Kitsap County Prevention Services
Survey teams made up of youth and adults from Kitsap County went into 150 local stores which sell alcohol and tobacco products to assess advertising and merchandising practices.

• September 25, 2002 - JoinTogether.org
The American Lung Association awards the "Phlemmy" to two Fox network shows for their portrayal of smoking.

• September 23, 2002 - JoinTogether.org
Vietnamese authorities order Philip Morris and Japan Tobacco International to stop all advertising because they violated government regulations.

• September 23, 2002 - Yahoo! News
A new study finds that siblings have a major influence on teens' decisions about drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use. Also, nearly half of the teens who had not tried marijuana said their parents' influence was responsible for their decision.

• September 23, 2002 - AdAge.com
Philip Morris USA sues 8 Web sites for illegal use of trademarks and illegally selling imported cigarettes.

• September 23, 2002 - JoinTogether.org
Philip Morris re-stated its support of a U.S. Senate bill that would give the FDA authority to regulate tobacco, adding that the company wants some changes in the bill, including a proviso to encourage the development of lower-risk products.

• September 18, 2002 - Bridge.com
American Legacy Foundation study shows their "truth" campaign is helping to lower smoking rates among U.S. youth. According to the study, smoking prevalence among high school students who have had "high exposure" to the campaign's television commercials has declined 29 percent since 2000.

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