CREATE YOUR OWN COUNTER ADVERTISEMENT Counter advertising is parody, designed to make fun of advertising messages. Public health officials use counter ads to provide accurate and truthful information about important health issues, often in a humorous fashion. For example, counter ads have been created to counter the deception and harmful messages portrayed in tobacco ads. Counter ads also can be used to express ones opinion about a particular issue. View some examples: tobacco, alcohol, opinion. Counter ads can be created for any mediumprint, video, Web, or radio. Regardless of the topic or message, counter ads provide an element of truth that is not typically present in the original ad or message. Create your own counter ad about tobacco! Choose from these ads or find one of your own. The ads below were taken from current magazines which have a high percentage of youth readership. Click on each tobacco advertisement to get a larger image. When you are finished, send us your counter ad and we will post it on our Web site for everyone to see! Things to Remember When looking
at the original ad, think about what is being said or more importantly,
what is not being said. For example, do tobacco ads ever mention that
smoking causes premature wrinkling or turns teeth yellow? Of course not!
Here is your chance to expose the truth behind tobacco ads. The tips below
will you get started. Who is your target audience?
Did you change the picture to give an opposite message about tobacco use?
Did you change the text to give an opposite message about tobacco use?