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Each of the six lessons in Teens, Tobacco & Media has a culminating activity. The activities allow the teen participants to use their creativity to fight the harmful messages of big tobacco. The examples below are some of the activities that came out of the project.

Lesson 2 -- The Truth About Tobacco

In Lesson 2, teens learn the common myths found in tobacco advertisements. The activity challenges teens to write a warning label for a current tobacco ad, countering the myth that is used, in order to reveal the "truth." Warning labels were written on Post-it Notes so that they could cover the existing warning label. Click on the image to increase its size.

"Smoking makes your lungs as black as the lonely night."
"Smoking does not teach you how to lasso a cow, and it sure doesn't make cowboys look like this."

Lesson 3 --About Face

In Lesson 3, About Face, students learn that just as the media can be used to influence teens to use tobacco, it also can be used to counter the harmful messages. In this lesson, teens use current tobacco ads to make a counter advertisement. Participants were challenged to change both the text and the image of the original ad. The following examples were created by teens from the summer pilot project in Tacoma, Washington. The advertisement on the left is the original ad, on the right is the student-produced counter ad. Click on the image to increase its size.

Drawing by Lya R.

Drawing by Diannie R.

Counter-Ad by Ashley S.

Counter-Ad by Alison D. and Nikki B.

Counter-Ad by Amanda W. and Ashley D.

Counter-Ad by Ryan S. and Lucas C.

Counter-Ad by Tyler C.

Counter-Ad by Heather B.

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