TRAC staff have many years of experience in producing reports for WSDOT and other agencies.
TRAC-UW projects that are funded by WSDOT are required to be submitted through TRAC. WSDOT also requires that TRAC reports be edited and formatted in consistent TRAC/WSDOT style, with professional looking graphics.
Below find information about
Helpful Documents
Report Production Process
Report production, submittal, and editing: Amy O’Brien 206.685.2644.
Helpful Documents
The following report-related documents are available:
WSDOT Research Report Guidelines (2020 rev)
These guidelines (pdf) discuss the desired report organization and other requirements for WSDOT reports.
TRAC/WSDOT Research Report Template 2023 (MS Word)
Use this 508-compliant MS Word template to begin a new research report. Contact Amy O’Brien for questions about the template or more information about using styles that promote consistent report-writing formats.
Section 508 Accessibility Compliance Guide for TRAC Authors (pdf)
This short guide explains how to meet Section 508 compliance requirements for reports authored in Microsoft Word for federally funded projects, which includes all WSDOT reports.
Report Production Process
All WSDOT projects require a 35- to 50-page Research Report (draft for review and final). Many projects also require a larger Technical Report.
The procedure for producing reports for WSDOT (as well as for most other agencies) is as follows:
1. Submit an electronic draft report to the TRAC editor.
2. The editor reviews the report for compliance with the contracting agency’s requirements and edits for grammar and punctuation, consistency in usage, tense, and clarity. TRAC also checks for ADA 508 compliance, which is required for all WSDOT and other federally sponsored reports. At the same time, the editor may format the report in the style appropriate for the sponsor.
3. The author reviews, changes, and approves the edits.
4. A draft is electronically submitted to the WSDOT Research Manager under TRAC cover letter. Authors and reviewers are cc’d as appropriate.
5. WSDOT contacts the author with comments.
6. The author submits the comments (if minimal) or a changed draft to TRAC for final production.
8. TRAC obtains final approval from the author, then submits the final report to WSDOT under TRAC cover.