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A Timeline for Transfer: The Coming Year

It's the middle of May and a lot of you are finishing your first year at the community college. The University of Washington beckons; you plan to transfer after earning your associate degree next year at this time. If you're hoping to get an acceptance letter about this time next year giving you the go-ahead to start at the UW in Autumn 2007, what needs to happen in the coming year? Read more...

15th Annual Spring Celebration of Service and Leadership

15th Annual Spring Celebration of Service and Leadership honors civic engagement

On May 9, over 200 people came to honor and recognize University of Washington students, community partners, and faculty who have turned the ideal of civic engagement into action. Read more...

Transfer Thursdays: Gateway for Transfers to the UW

What should I major in? How do I choose among all the majors at the UW? How can I prepare at my college for the major I want? Am I competitive? When is the best time to apply? Is foreign study or research a possibility for transfer students? These are common questions we hear every week at Transfer Thursdays. Read more...

Admissions Update: Details, Details, Details

The success of an applicant is in the details. Every year we see applications that are missing a few integral things that sink an otherwise perfect ship. So how can you be one of the many transfer students who will enjoy attending classes at the University of Washington Seattle? Pay attention to the details! We uncover some of the most common admission problems below. Read more...

Transfer and Returning Interest Groups Help Transfer Students in Many Ways

Incoming transfer students often feel like they are revisiting their freshman year once they get to UW. The campus seems extremely large, the grading system changes, the type of workload changes, and they know very few people when they get here. Unlike first-year students, transfer students feel as if they should already know this stuff, given their past college experience. Very few people like the feeling of being lost and not knowing where to turn to find the answers to the questions they don't even know to ask. The UW has a unique way of helping students find their place on campus and help transfer students hit the ground running. Read more...

Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium Welcomes its First Community College Presenters

On Friday, May 19th, 2006, over 500 undergraduates, including for the first time several current community college students, will present their work at the 9th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium. Presenters representing Seattle University, University of Puget Sound, and Western Washington University will also be participating, making it a truly regional symposium. Read more...

Upcoming UW Visits to Community Colleges

Can't make it to campus? Don't worry, the office of admissions visits community colleges throughout the state. Read more...

Environmental Science and Resource Management - Scholarships and Transfer-Friendly!

We have been offering the ESRM (Environmental Science and Resource Management) Bachelor of Science degree here in the college for only a few years, so I thought I'd mention a few highlights and updates for transfer students. Read more...

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Welcome from the Editor

Ah, spring is in the air. Trees are leafing out, flowers are in bloom, undergrads are spending free hours on campus playing frisbee and sunning themselves, and all of us are looking forward to the summer ahead! Read more...

Transfer Student Interview

Interview with Transfer Student Sheri Davis.

"What Can I Do with a Major in..."

Students are asking it, advisers are trying to answer it, we just want to remind everyone of a great website that helps us all get to the bottom of the age-old, "What can I do with a major in..." question. Read more...

Outside the Classroom: Commuting to the UW

As a large urban university, the University of Washington has a wealth of many things... research opportunities, renowned faculty, student activities, connections to local business and industry. But parking? Well, parking isn't something in great supply around here. Unless you choose to live on campus, a commute is in your future. Read more...

Entrance Exam for Design Majors Scheduled for June 13

If you're planning to enter one of the UW's design majors this Autumn, you'll need to take the 2006 Design Entrance Exam on Tuesday, June 13. Read more...

Environmental Studies: New Curriculum Beginning Autumn 2006

As the UW's only university-wide, inter-college undergraduate degree, the Environmental Studies major has been at the leading edge of interdisciplinary learning at the UW since the Program on the Environment first offered the degree in 1998. With the launch of the transformed curriculum in Autumn 2006, the degree will be at the cutting edge of integrative, experiential, interdisciplinary environmental programs across the nation. Read more...

Martin Family Foundation Honors Scholarship Program

The Martin Family Foundation Honors Scholarship Program was established to enable community college students of exceptional ability and outstanding achievement to complete their baccalaureate degrees at the University of Washington, Seattle campus. Read more...