Wraparound Evaluation and Research Team


April 15, 2015

Our very own Eric Bruns and Jennifer Schurer Coldiron are the instructors for the Research and Evaluation Track. This track is designed for researchers, evaluators, and quality assurance personnel who participate actively in Wraparound implementation efforts. Through participation in this track, participants will be able to:

March 22, 2015

WERT is currently developing a shorter, more comprehensive team observation tool. The goal is to create a reliable and valid measure of adherence to the wraparound principles and key elements that is less burdensome and more sensitive to different elements of Wraparound practice implementation. We are calling this tool the TOM 2.0.

February 19, 2015

Since the 27th Annual Research and Policy Conference in Tampa, WERT has been working on building a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) for users of the WFAS tools and members of the Wraparound community (for more information see the below post from March 25th).

WERT has joined forces with NWI for our online community to increase the scope of viewers and enhance the sharing of knowledge and discussion. We believe this partnership will establish a community where members...

January 20, 2015

Be a part of research history! The Wraparound Evaluation and Research Team (WERT) at the University of Washington would like to announce the opportunity for Wraparound implementing sites to participate in a federally-funded research project to help further develop and test the NWI’s comprehensive, web-based electronic behavioral information system, TMS-WrapLogic.

January 5, 2015

The National Wraparound Implementation Center has a new website! Check it out HERE.

While you're visiting, you can learn more about the upcoming National Wraparound Implementation Academy, which will be held July 14-15, 2015 at Portland State University. Check back often for more details or contact John Ossowski at jdo@pdx.edu.

March 25, 2014

Thanks to all those who participated in our “Creating a Collaborative Learning Community for WFAS Users” session at the 27th Annual Children’s Mental Health Research & Policy Conference. For those who haven’t heard, WERT is building a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) for users of the WFAS tools.

February 26, 2014

Now Available from The TA Network and National Wraparound Initiative: Wraparound Evaluation and Quality Improvement Assistance. The Technical Assistance Network for Children’s Behavioral Health (The TA Network) and the National Wraparound Initiative (NWI) are making tailored technical assistance (TA) on Wraparound available to current SAMHSA-funded System of Care Grantees. Please CLICK HERE for more information.

September 16, 2013

The WFI-4, TOM, and WFI-EZ Manuals have been updated to include guidance for sampling plans. The Frequently Asked Questions document has also been updated. For more information please click here.