Wraparound Evaluation and Research Team

TOM 2.0 Tool

WERT is currently developing a shorter, more comprehensive team observation tool. The goal is to create a reliable and valid measure of adherence to the wraparound principles and key elements that is less burdensome and more sensitive to different elements of Wraparound practice implementation. We are calling this tool the TOM 2.0.

UPDATE: Recruitment for the TOM pilot has been closed! Due to the high level of initial interest, we had to halt any further recruitment. Thanks to all who have volunteered thus far, and thank you all for you interest!

Where the original TOM had 71 indicators across 20 items, the TOM 2.0 has 41 indicators across only 8 items. The TOM 2.0 is organized by the 4 Key elements, and includes indicators of meeting attendance, use of natural supports, facilitation, and outcomes based process. This aligns with the structure of the Wraparound Fidelity Index (WFI-EZ), our other widely-used fidelity assessment tool.

In order to ensure the tool works well in the field, we are SEEKING COLLABORATOR SITES that are willing to use the TOM 2.0 to observe at least 5 team meetings and share the data with WERT by the summer of 2015. Sites do not have to have previous experience using the TOM 1.0, but we do encourage current TOM 1.0 users to consider making the switch! WERT will provide sites with the necessary forms and training materials needed to participate, along with a data entry template, complete with summary charts and graphs that can be used for analysis and reporting. After data collection is complete, observers will be asked to give feedback on item importance, clarity, and observability via a focus group or online survey.

Sites that agree to participate in this pilot test, and that provide data from 5 or more meetings, will be provided with free, unlimited use of the first version of the TOM 2.0 for six months after its release. WERT will also upload the site’s data into WrapTrack when the tool is available in the system.

Any site that contributes any data whatsoever will be acknowledged in papers and presentations as being a valued research collaborator on the development of the TOM 2.0. If you are interested in being a collaborator on the development of the TOM 2.0 in this way, please contact April Sather at sathea@uw.edu.