Bunchgrass Ridge

Ecology and restoration of conifer-invaded meadows:
Research and adaptive management

Home > Research > 4. Restoration experiment > Methods: Treatments
4. Experimental restoration of meadow communities
Study area
1. Conifer invasion
2. Vegetation responses
3. Gopher disturbance
4. Restoration experiment Back to Conifer invasion
  Experimental design
> Treatments
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Methods: Treatment implementation    
Tree removal (Jan-Feb 2006)
  • Logging was conducted on deep, compacted snow to minimize soil disturbance.
  • Directional felling was used to avoid disturbance to control plots.
  • To minimize fuel accumulation, trees were yarded with limbs attached, if possible.
On this page:
Tree removal
  Winter harvest
Fuel-reduction methods
  Broadcast burn
Winter harvest 2006   Felling
Winter harvest 2006 (Photo: Teiva White) Felling with chainsaws (Photo: Teiva White) Mechanical faller (Photo: Teiva White)
Snow cover minimized soil disturbance
Larger trees were cut with chainsaws (left) and smaller trees, with a mechanical faller (right)
Skidding and yarding Loading
Rubber-tired skidder (Photo: Teiva White) Tracked skidder (Photo: Teiva White) Hydraulic log loader (Photo: Teiva White)
Rubber-tired (left) and tracked (right) skidders were used to yard boles to an off-site landing


A hydraulic log loader limbed and cut logs at the landing.

Fuel reduction methods (Sep-Nov 2006)

Pile-and-burn (unburned) treatment  
  • Slash piles (~2 m tall, 2-4 m in diameter) were constructed by hand in Jun 2006 and covered with polyethylene film to shed water.
  • Piles were placed in locations not sampled for vegetation.
  • Ignition occurred on the morning of 2 Nov 2006 after an extended period of dry weather.
  • Piles burned to completion the next day (95-100% consumption).
Weather conditions

At 09:30 hr, temperature was 5ºC (41ºF), relative humidity was 100%, winds were SW at 3.2 km/hr (2 mph), and cloud cover was complete.

Two-day rainfall (2-3 Nov) at the McKenzie Bridge Ranger Station (451 m elevation) totaled 3.3 cm
Post-harvest, 28 Sep 2006
Post-harvest burn piles
Pile burn, 2 Nov 2006
Pile burning
Post-burn, 28 Jun 2007
Post burning
Areas between slash piles did not burn
Areas between slash piles did not burn
Broadcast burn treatment    
  • Narrow fire lines (~50 cm wide) were constructed around each plot. Within these lines, duff was removed to mineral soil.
  • A hose-lay with multiple pumping stations was established to distribute water. Hoses extended as far as ~1 km to the most distant plot. Water was hauled by fire engines from a distance of ~5 km and used for pre-burn wetting of areas adjacent to the experimental plots, as well as for holding and mop-up operations.
  • Slash was burned on 28 Sep 2006, between 11:15 and 14:30 hr.
  • Individual plots burned to completion within 0.5 to 2 hr of ignition. Flame lengths averaged 1-2 m (max 2.4 m). Fine fuel loadings (1- to 100-hr) averaged 53-69 Mg/ha and consumption averaged 67-87% among plots. Areas that were shaded by adjacent forest burned less intensively, as did areas lacking woody debris.
Weather conditions

Air temperatures were 21-24ºC (70-75ºF), relative humidity was 25-27%, and wind speeds were 0-5 km/hr (0-3 mph) with no cloud cover.

Fuel moisture prior to ignition averaged 12% (10-hr), 16% (100-hr), and 28% (1000-hr).
Broadcast burn
Post-harvest, 29 Sep 2006
Broadcast burn, 29 Sep 2006 
Broadcast burn
Post-burn, 2 Jul 2007
Post burning
Post-harvest fuel loadings
Post-harves fuel loadings
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