Bunchgrass Ridge

Ecology and restoration of conifer-invaded meadows:
Research and adaptive management

Home > Research > 4. Restoration experiment > Methods: Sampling
4. Experimental restoration of meadow communities
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2. Vegetation responses
3. Gopher disturbance
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> Sampling
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Methods: Sampling  
Vegetation and soils.   In each experimental plot, 32-64 subplots were sampled before (2004) and after (2007, 2009) treatment to assess ground-surface conditions, plant species composition, and soil physical and chemical properties (inset diagram, below).

Sampling schematic
Subplot sampling schematic

Burn-pile scars. In the unburned treatments, 10 burn scars per plot were each sampled at four locations—center (C), edge (E), unburned edge (U1), unburned distant (U2)—to assess the local effects of intense heating on vegetation and soils.

Burn-pile transect
Sheena Kaas sampling burn pile
Sampling schematic
Burn pile sampling schematic

Analyses. Statistical analyses of the vegetation focus on changes in cover and richness of species associated with meadow, forest, and disturbed habitats (ruderals) (see Plant species list) and on density of conifer seedlings. Analyses of soils focus on ground-surface conditions (exposure of mineral soil) and soil chemistry (total C and N, total available N, and pH).

Responses to treatments were assessed with repeated measures ANOVA. To account for pre-treatment variation among plots, analyses of vegetation responses were based on differences between pre- and post-treatment measurements. Analyses of soils and conifer seedlings were based on post-treatment samples.

On this page:
  Vegetation and soils
  Burn piles

Sampling subplots
Forest Taipale sampling vegetation
Vegetation quadrat (1 x 1 m)
Crew sampling fuels
Post-harvest fuels sampling

Sampling burn scars

Burn pile center quadrat
Burn pile edge quadrat
Center and edge quadrats
(0.1 m2)
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