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Maya VegaMaya graduated UW with a BA in Communications. She studied abroad in London twice and loved it so much she’s moving there this September.

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Reykjavik is for Lovers

This piece was originally published as a post on Stillman’s blog, The Reykjavik Chronicles. It was the first time since arriving in Iceland that Id been able to see the brilliant blue Nordic sky. That morning I made an executive decision to wear shorts, to commit to the beauty of the morning and will the […]

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Dutch Suits

Suits are powerful, handsome, tall Shortsighted, lovely blue eyes and all Suits are smart, educated, some are fit Insincere, effusive, cordial, bullshits Suits are lovers, doers, delegators Coldhearted, white toothed alligators Suits are manipulative, elegant, sharp Showy, feeding, over-indulged carp Suits are movers, tough dealmakers Aggressive, elite, competent, takers. Suits are managers, Caucasian, Dutch, Men, […]

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On the Way to the Volcano

“You’re nowhere near the volcano,” the heavily accented voice said through a half-rolled passenger window. “Would you like a ride there?” We had been hiking for the past hour in search of the trailhead to the volcano overlooking Vestmannaeyjar, but had mistakenly wandered into the city dump. The proposition seemed like a good idea at […]

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[untitled, Utrecht]

I sit on a bench overlooking the canal and river of people who’s Friday nights are only beginning, Just another being among the flow of people paying pilgrimage to the gelato stand on the bridge The murmur of quiet voices broken only by the bell of an impatient cyclist or the slow gurgle of a […]

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Mornings in Italy

This day started out like the rest. Sun crept through the window of my room, waking me from a peaceful slumber. I rolled out from under my sheets, removing the cocoon I had forged out of an assortment of blankets splattered with strange but now endearing cartoon characters, and quickly put myself together. Still half […]

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Artist’s statement: While I was abroad in London, my tube stop — yes, my tube stop, it’s a very personal thing — had weekly poetry written on a whiteboard outside the stairs. Normally this was a space reserved for updates about maintenance and delays, but our local crew saw it more fit as an artistic […]

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