DRC Publications
Edwards, KA; Terry, SF; Gold, D; Horn, EJ; Schwartz, M; Stuart, M; Vernon, SD ; Realizing Our Potential in Biobanking: Disease Advocacy Organizations Enliven Translational Research Biopreserv Biobank 14 4: 314-8; 2016
Campos, CA; Bowen, AJ; Schwartz, MW; Palmiter, RD ; Parabrachial CGRP Neurons Control Meal Termination Cell Metab 23 5: 811-20; 2016 PMC4867080
Meek, TH; Nelson, JT; Matsen, ME; Dorfman, MD; Guyenet, SJ; Damian, V; Allison, MB; Scarlett, JM; Nguyen, HT; ... Morton, GJ Functional identification of a neurocircuit regulating blood glucose Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113 14: E2073-82; 2016 PMC4833243
Blevins, JE; Thompson, BW; Anekonda, VT; Ho, JM; Graham, JL; Roberts, ZS; Hwang, BH; Ogimoto, K; Wolden-Hanson, T; ... Baskin, DG Chronic CNS oxytocin signaling preferentially induces fat loss in high-fat diet-fed rats by enhancing satiety responses and increasing lipid utilization Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 310 7: R640-58; 2016 PMC4867381
Scarlett, JM; Rojas, JM; Matsen, ME; Kaiyala, KJ; Stefanovski, D; Bergman, RN; Nguyen, HT; Dorfman, MD; Lantier, L; ... Schwartz, MW Central injection of fibroblast growth factor 1 induces sustained remission of diabetic hyperglycemia in rodents Nat Med 22 7: 800-6; 2016 PMC4938755
Schur, EA; Melhorn, SJ; Oh, SK; Lacy, JM; Berkseth, KE; Guyenet, SJ; Sonnen, JA; Tyagi, V; Rosalynn, M; ... Maravilla, KR Radiologic evidence that hypothalamic gliosis is associated with obesity and insulin resistance in humans Obesity (Silver Spring) 23 11: 2142-8; 2015 PMC4634110
Lee, WJ; Tateya, S; Cheng, AM; Rizzo-DeLeon, N; Wang, NF; Handa, P; Wilson, CL; Clowes, AW; Sweet, IR; ... Kim, F M2 macrophage polarization mediates anti-inflammatory effects of endothelial nitric oxide signaling Diabetes 64 8: 2836-46; 2015 PMC4512216
Kaiyala, KJ; Ogimoto, K; Nelson, JT; Schwartz, MW; Morton, GJ ; Leptin signaling is required for adaptive changes in food intake, but not energy expenditure, in response to different thermal conditions PLoS One 10 3: e0119391; 2015 PMC4355297
Chen, J; Kaiyala, KJ; Lam, J; Agrawal, N; Nguyen, L; Ogimoto, K; Spencer, D; Morton, GJ; Schwartz, MW; ... Dichek, HL In vivo structure-function studies of human hepatic lipase: the catalytic function rescues the lean phenotype of HL-deficient (hl-/-) mice Physiol Rep 3 4: 2015 PMC4425970
Scarlett, JM; Schwartz, MW ; Gut-brain mechanisms controlling glucose homeostasis F1000Prime Rep 7 12; 2015 PMC4311273
Rojas, JM; Matsen, ME; Mundinger, TO; Morton, GJ; Stefanovski, D; Bergman, RN; Kaiyala, KJ; Taborsky, GJ, Jr.; Schwartz, MW ; ... Schwartz, MW Glucose intolerance induced by blockade of central FGF receptors is linked to an acute stress response Mol Metab 4 8: 561-8; 2015 PMC4529498
Blevins, JE; Graham, JL; Morton, GJ; Bales, KL; Schwartz, MW; Baskin, DG; Havel, PJ ; Chronic oxytocin administration inhibits food intake, increases energy expenditure, and produces weight loss in fructose-fed obese rhesus monkeys Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 308 5: R431-8; 2015 PMC4346756
Schwartz, MW ; Can the history of modern endocrinology shape the future of obesity? Mol Endocrinol 29 2: 155-7; 2015 PMC4318879
Cheng, AM; Rizzo-DeLeon, N; Wilson, CL; Lee, WJ; Tateya, S; Clowes, AW; Schwartz, MW; Kim, F ; Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein protects against vascular inflammation and insulin resistance Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 307 7: E571-9; 2014 PMC4187027
Jackson, SW; Scharping, NE; Kolhatkar, NS; Khim, S; Schwartz, MA; Li, QZ; Hudkins, KL; Alpers, CE; Liggitt, D; ... Rawlings, DJ Opposing impact of B cell-intrinsic TLR7 and TLR9 signals on autoantibody repertoire and systemic inflammation J Immunol 192 10: 4525-32; 2014 PMC4041708
Morton, GJ; Meek, TH; Schwartz, MW ; Neurobiology of food intake in health and disease Nat Rev Neurosci 15 6: 367-78; 2014 PMC4076116
Berkseth, KE; Guyenet, SJ; Melhorn, SJ; Lee, D; Thaler, JP; Schur, EA; Schwartz, MW ; Hypothalamic gliosis associated with high-fat diet feeding is reversible in mice: a combined immunohistochemical and magnetic resonance imaging study Endocrinology 155 8: 2858-67; 2014 PMC4098007
Gao, Y; Ottaway, N; Schriever, SC; Legutko, B; Garcia-Caceres, C; de la Fuente, E; Mergen, C; Bour, S; Thaler, JP; ... Yi, CX Hormones and diet, but not body weight, control hypothalamic microglial activity Glia 62 1: 17-25; 2014 PMC4213950
Ho, JM; Anekonda, VT; Thompson, BW; Zhu, M; Curry, RW; Hwang, BH; Morton, GJ; Schwartz, MW; Baskin, DG; ... Blevins, JE Hindbrain oxytocin receptors contribute to the effects of circulating oxytocin on food intake in male rats Endocrinology 155 8: 2845-57; 2014 PMC4098005
Spiezio, SH; Amon, LM; McMillen, TS; Vick, CM; Houston, BA; Caldwell, M; Ogimoto, K; Morton, GJ; Kirk, EA; ... LeBoeuf, RC Genetic determinants of atherosclerosis, obesity, and energy balance in consomic mice Mamm Genome 25 11-12: 549-63; 2014 PMC4241139
Laeger, T; Henagan, TM; Albarado, DC; Redman, LM; Bray, GA; Noland, RC; Munzberg, H; Hutson, SM; Gettys, TW; ... Morrison, CD FGF21 is an endocrine signal of protein restriction J Clin Invest 124 9: 3913-22; 2014 PMC4153701
van Praag, H; Fleshner, M; Schwartz, MW; Mattson, MP ; Exercise, energy intake, glucose homeostasis, and the brain J Neurosci 34 46: 15139-49; 2014 PMC4228123
Rojas, JM; Schwartz, MW ; Control of hepatic glucose metabolism by islet and brain Diabetes Obes Metab 16 Suppl 1 33-40; 2014 PMC4191916
Morton, GJ; Kaiyala, KJ; Foster-Schubert, KE; Cummings, DE; Schwartz, MW ; Carbohydrate feeding dissociates the postprandial FGF19 response from circulating bile acid levels in humans J Clin Endocrinol Metab 99 2: E241-5; 2014 PMC3913810
Berkseth, KE; Schur, E; Schwartz, MW ; A role for natriuretic peptides in the central control of energy balance? Diabetes 62 5: 1379-81; 2013 PMC3636633
Guyenet, SJ; Matsen, ME; Morton, GJ; Kaiyala, KJ; Schwartz, MW ; Rapid glutamate release in the mediobasal hypothalamus accompanies feeding and is exaggerated by an obesogenic food Mol Metab 2 2: 116-22; 2013 PMC3817387
Lu, M; Sarruf, DA; Li, P; Osborn, O; Sanchez-Alavez, M; Talukdar, S; Chen, A; Bandyopadhyay, G; Xu, J; ... Olefsky, JM Neuronal Sirt1 deficiency increases insulin sensitivity in both brain and peripheral tissues J Biol Chem 288 15: 10722-35; 2013 PMC3624452
Lee, D; Thaler, JP; Berkseth, KE; Melhorn, SJ; Schwartz, MW; Schur, EA ; Longer T(2) relaxation time is a marker of hypothalamic gliosis in mice with diet-induced obesity Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 304 11: E1245-50; 2013 PMC3680680
Schwartz, MW; Baskin, DG ; Leptin and the brain: then and now J Clin Invest 123 6: 2344-5; 2013 PMC3668840
Matsen, ME; Thaler, JP; Wisse, BE; Guyenet, SJ; Meek, TH; Ogimoto, K; Cubelo, A; Fischer, JD; Kaiyala, KJ; ... Morton, GJ In uncontrolled diabetes, thyroid hormone and sympathetic activators induce thermogenesis without increasing glucose uptake in brown adipose tissue Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 304 7: E734-46; 2013 PMC3625754
Thaler, JP; Guyenet, SJ; Dorfman, MD; Wisse, BE; Schwartz, MW ; Hypothalamic inflammation: marker or mechanism of obesity pathogenesis? Diabetes 62 8: 2629-34; 2013 PMC3717869
Guyenet, SJ; Nguyen, HT; Hwang, BH; Schwartz, MW; Baskin, DG; Thaler, JP ; High-fat diet feeding causes rapid, non-apoptotic cleavage of caspase-3 in astrocytes Brain Res 1512 97-105; 2013 PMC3684737
Morton, GJ; Matsen, ME; Bracy, DP; Meek, TH; Nguyen, HT; Stefanovski, D; Bergman, RN; Wasserman, DH; Schwartz, MW ; ... Schwartz, MW FGF19 action in the brain induces insulin-independent glucose lowering J Clin Invest 123 11: 4799-808; 2013 PMC3809800
Schwartz, MW; Seeley, RJ; Tschop, MH; Woods, SC; Morton, GJ; Myers, MG; D'Alessio, D ; Cooperation between brain and islet in glucose homeostasis and diabetes Nature 503 7474: 59-66; 2013 PMC3983910
Meek, TH; Wisse, BE; Thaler, JP; Guyenet, SJ; Matsen, ME; Fischer, JD; Taborsky, GJ, Jr.; Schwartz, MW; Morton, GJ ; ... Morton, GJ BDNF action in the brain attenuates diabetic hyperglycemia via insulin-independent inhibition of hepatic glucose production Diabetes 62 5: 1512-8; 2013 PMC3636618
Mehta, S; Melhorn, SJ; Smeraglio, A; Tyagi, V; Grabowski, T; Schwartz, MW; Schur, EA ; Regional brain response to visual food cues is a marker of satiety that predicts food choice Am J Clin Nutr 96 5: 989-99; 2012 PMC3471210
Morton, GJ; Thatcher, BS; Reidelberger, RD; Ogimoto, K; Wolden-Hanson, T; Baskin, DG; Schwartz, MW; Blevins, JE ; Peripheral oxytocin suppresses food intake and causes weight loss in diet-induced obese rats Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 302 1: E134-44; 2012 PMC3328087
Thaler, JP; Yi, CX; Schur, EA; Guyenet, SJ; Hwang, BH; Dietrich, MO; Zhao, X; Sarruf, DA; Izgur, V; ... Schwartz, MW Obesity is associated with hypothalamic injury in rodents and humans J Clin Invest 122 1: 153-62; 2012 PMC3248304
Buchner, DA; Geisinger, JM; Glazebrook, PA; Morgan, MG; Spiezio, SH; Kaiyala, KJ; Schwartz, MW; Sakurai, T; Furley, AJ; ... Nadeau, JH The juxtaparanodal proteins CNTNAP2 and TAG1 regulate diet-induced obesity Mamm Genome 23 7-8: 431-42; 2012 PMC3650838
Schwartz, MW ; An inconvenient truth about obesity Mol Metab 1 1-2: 2-4; 2012 PMC3757654
Benzler, J; Ganjam, GK; Kruger, M; Pinkenburg, O; Kutschke, M; Stohr, S; Steger, J; Koch, CE; Olkrug, R; ... Tups, A Hypothalamic glycogen synthase kinase 3beta has a central role in the regulation of food intake and glucose metabolism Biochem J 447 1: 175-84; 2012 PMC3679888