
When deciding where to put an Eco-lawn there are other areas to consider other than just a residential or commercial “yard” area. Since Eco-lawns are low-maintenance and have deeper root systems than normal grass the Eco-lawn plants could be used as erosion buffers and bank stabilizers that add color and to sites destined for infrequent mowing or where no mowing is desired. Some mixtures even contain plant species that naturally attract butterflies and hummingbirds such as mixtures from Hobb and Hopkins in Portland , OR . Most mixtures are designed to not be aggressive so it won't take over neighboring lawns and neither is it passive, so it won't be taken over by invasive weeds either.

In general fescues are cool season grasses that are adapted to the transition zone into Canada are used though-out much of the Central to Northern USA states The majority of cool season grasses (besides the Fescues) are not shade tolerant nor do many perform well in the lower areas of the transitions zone where the season is too hot for the cool grasses and in the area of the transition zone that is too cold in the winter for the warm season grasses ( . In southern climates, there are very hot and dry conditions which would cause stress on Eco-lawns if it is not watered. However, people have reported back to seed sellers that while they do have to water their Eco-Lawns there, the water usage is still much less that with traditional lawns. Also, studies conducted by the USDA and the University of Wyoming, have shown that fine fescue grasses are relatively salt tolerant so coastal areas can benefit from Eco-lawns with fescue in them. ( )