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Course 1: Leadership and Management in the Clinical Laboratory

Autumn 2024
Applications open: July 17, 2024
Applications close: September 18, 2024
Course offering: September 30 – December 8, 2024


Managing a clinical laboratory requires a wide range of leadership and management skills, with a goal of improving the quality of laboratory services delivered regionally, nationally and internationally.

Participants develop a clear sense of their own strengths and weaknesses in management and leadership and develop Individual Learning Plans for professional development. In addition to self-assessment and reflection, participants study topics and reflect on skills associated with building a diverse workforce and fostering a positive work climate:

  • developing successful laboratory teams,
  • providing new laboratory managers with the appropriate skills and tools needed to supervise,
  • delegate and mentor their teams.

Participants will also increase their skills and knowledge on managing conflict in the laboratory, supporting influence among the team, communicating effectively, and embracing change.

Learning Objectives

The goal of this course is to improve the quality of laboratory services delivered regionally, nationally and internationally by strengthening the leadership and management skills of program participants.

Participants completing the course at the highest level of achievement should be able to:

  1. Approach management challenges in laboratory settings with core knowledge of and skills in organizational management as a guide;
  2. Explain the importance of leadership and identify key differences between leading vs. managing.
  3. Define diversity, equity, and inclusion, and compare what is meant by equity versus equality; and
  4. Design a recruitment process based on holistic assessment of applicants to ensure equity and diversity.
  5. Describe the value of teamwork and core values to guide your leadership development and growth;
  6. Identify strategies to manage and understand the relationship between different leadership styles and power dynamics, in team and organizational settings;
  7. Identify strategies to more effectively influence, collaborate, and supervise others.
  8. Recognize the impact of positive communication and work climate and utilize tools to implement it in the laboratory;
  9. Integrate an effective change management process;
  10. Explain the principles and success factors for financial management of the laboratory; and
  11. Translate insights from self-assessment into personal plans for improving leadership and management skills in laboratory medicine.

Course Syllabus