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EINet - Virtual Symposium

EINet Virtual Symposium: Hot Topics and Lessons Learned


About EINet Virtual Symposium

APEC-EINet Virtual Symposium promote regional information sharing and collaboration to enhance preparedness against pandemic diseases. Communication and comprehension are vital to understanding each economy's preparedness processes. Specifically, EINet's objectives are to:

1. Bring economies together in a dynamic, real-time discussion on preparedness through the collaboration of the health and commerce/trade sectors, focusing on critical systems continuity.

2. Share experiences of past/current practices (e.g. scenario exercies, communication drills, and policy evaluation).

3. Use innovative technologies (e.g. Access Grid) for real-time virtual interchange, enhancing the utility for future collaboration and response to pandemic diseases.

APEC-EINet Overview presentation


2011 Virtual Symposium: Hot Topics #5


"Trade and Travel Impacts of Infections Diseases"



To highlight experiences and lessons learned from the Asia Pacific community in responding to infectious diseases leading to travel and trade impacts, such as travel restrictions and trade embargoes.

Participating Economies:

Bali, Indonesia
The Philippines
Chinese Taipei
The United States

Date and Time:

10 November 2011 (USA, Chile)
University of Washington, Seattle 15:30 - 17:30 (PST)
11 November 2011 (Asia) 23:30 - 01:30 (UTC)


Event Highlights:

No highlights video was produced for this event




Hot Topics 5 Agenda - 10 November 2011




Presentation Title: Impact of MDRTB Cases among Medical Tourists in Singapore
Speakers: Ms. Jayne Lim, Senior Public Health Officer, Ministry of Health, Singapore

Chinese Taipei

Presentation Title: Development of Travel Medicine in Chinese Taipei
Speaker: Ms. Li- Gin Wu, Technical Specialist, Centers for Disease Control, Chinese Taipei

The United States

Presentation Title: Multistate Outbreak of Listeria Infections Linked to Cantaloupe, United States, 2011 – The Deadliest Foodborne Outbreak in 80 Years
Speaker: Dr. Robert Tauxe, Deputy Director, Division of Foodborne, Waterborne and Environmental Diseases, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United States


2010 Virtual Symposium: Hot Topics #4


"Infectious Disease Challenges following Natural Disasters"



To highlight experiences and lessons learned from the Asia Pacific community in coping with typhoons, floods, and other extreme weather challenges.

Participating Economies:

People's Republic of China
The Philippines
Chinese Taipei
The United States

Date and Time:

2 December 2010 (USA, Canada)
University of Washington, Seattle 18:00 - 20:00 (PST)
3 December 2010 (Asia) 01:00 - 04:00 (UTC)


Event Highlights:

Download video: QUICKTIME (.MOV)


Hot Topics 4 Agenda - 3 December 2010



People's Republic of China

Presentation Title: Infectious Disease Surveillance and Control after WenChuan Earthquake, China 2008

Speaker: Dr. NI Daxin, Director, Office of Disease Surveillance, Office of Disease Control and Emergency Response, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The Philippines

Presentation Title: Lessons Learned in Leptospirosis Surveillance and Response after a Natural Disaster

Speaker: Dr. Enrique Tayag, Director IV, National Epidemiology Center, Dept. of Health, Philippines

The United States

Presentation Title: Infectious Disease Issues Associated with Hurricane Katrina

Speaker: Joe Posid, Co-D Public Health Advisor Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Program National Center for Infectious Diseases CDC Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases Atlanta, GA


2010 Virtual Symposium: Hot Topics #3


"Pandemic Influenza H1N1: Lessons Learned from the 2009 flu season"



To address lessons learned from the 2009/2010 pandemic influenza experience.

Participating Economies:

New Zealand
People's Republic of China
The United States

Date and Time:

10 March 2010 (USA, Canada)
University of Washington, Seattle 18:00 - 20:00 (PST)
11 March 2010 (Asia) 02:00 - 04:00 (UTC)


Event Highlights:

No video was produced for this event




Hot Topics 3 Agenda - 11 March 2010




Presentation Title: Pandemic Influenza H1N1 2009 - The Canadian Experience
Speakers: Director of Pandemic Preparedness, Public Health Agency of Canada, and Natasha Manji, Senior Communications Advisor, Public Health Agency of Canada

New Zealand

Presentation Title: The Pandemic in New Zealand
Speaker: Dr. Mark Jacob, Director Public Health Ministry of Health


Presentation Title: Pandemic Influenza (H1N1) 2009 Lessons Learned: Thailand
Speaker: Dr. Ajchara Vararuk, Bureau of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health


2009 Virtual Symposium: Lessons Learned


"H1N1 Influenza Pandemic: Lessons Learned and Preparations for the Second Wave"



To address lessons learned and preparation for subsequent waves of pandemic influenza.


Participating Economies:

Chinese Taipei
The Philippines
The United States

Date and Time:

4 November 2009 (USA, Mexico)
University of Washington, Seattle 18:00 - 20:00 (PST)
5 November 2009 (Asia) 02:00 - 04:00 (UTC)


Event Highlights:

Download video: QUICKTIME(.MOV)


Lessons Learned Agenda - 5 November 2009




Presentation title: Response to Pandemic H1N1-Singapore's Experience
Speaker: Dr. Jeffery Cutter, Senior Consultant, Ministry of Health Communicable Diseases Division


Presentation title: Pandemic (H1N1) 2009: Australia's response with a focus on the new PROTECT phase
Speaker: Dr. Sean Tobin, Senior Medical Adviser, National Incident Room, Office of Health Protection, Department of Health and Ageing

The Philippines

Presentation title: RITM Laboratory Response During the 2009 Influenza H1N1 Pandemic
Speaker: Dr. Remigio M. Olveda, Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM)


2008 Virtual Symposium: Hot Topics #2


"Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: Partnerships and Continuity Planning for Critical Systems"



To describe how private and public sectors in the APEC region can cooperate to work effectively for preparation and response to pandemic influenza.

Participating Economies:

Brunei Darussalam
Chinese Taipei
Papua New Guinea
The Philippines
People's Republic of China
Republic of Korea
The United States
Viet Nam

Date and Time:

29 May 2008 (USA, Mexico)
University of Washington, Seattle 17:00 - 23:00 (PST)
30 May 2008 (Asia) 01:00 - 06:00 (UTC)


Event Highlights:



Download video: QUICKTIME(.M4V)


Lessons Learned Agenda - 30 May 2008




Presentation title: Public-Private Partnerships for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness in the APEC Region
Speaker: Dr. Jenean Spencer, Director, Pandemic Preparedness Section Office of Health protection Dept. of Health and Ageing

Brunei Darussalam

Presentation title: Public-Private Sector Collaboration for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness in Brunei Darussalam: Barriers and Challenges
Speaker: Dr. Pengiran Hishamuddin, Acting Senior Medical Officer, Disease Control Division Ministry of Health Brunei Darussalam


Presentation title: The Private Sector and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: Canada's Experiences
Speakers: Dr. Rodney Nelson, Senior Manager, The Conference Board of Canada &
Dr. James Gilbert, Director General, Public Health Agency of Canada

Chinese Taipei

Presentation title: Information Sharing/Cooperation on Preparedness between Private and Public Sectors
Speakers: Dr. Chang-Hsun Chen, Taiwan CDC (Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan &
Dr. Fang Ming Hsu, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd


Presentation title: Public-Private Partnership for Avian Influenza Control and Pandemic Preparedness
Speaker: Bayu Krisnamurthi, Indonesia National Committee for Avian Influenza Control and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness


Presentation title: Examples of Public-Private Collaborations
Speakers: Dr. Tokuaki Shobayashi & Mr. Yasuo Fukumoto, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Japan


Presentation title: Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: Multi-sectoral Response
Speaker: Dr. Mohamed Paid Bin Yosof, Ministry of Health Malaysia


Presentation title: Multisectorial Approach to Influenza Pandemic Planning in Mexico
Speaker: Dr. Miguel Betancourt, General Directorate for Public Health Emergencies, National, Center for Epidemiological Surveillance and Disease Control

Papua New Guinea

Presentation title: How Agencies within the Public Sector in PNG are Communicating/Collaborating with each other on Avian Influenza/Pandemic Influenza Preparedness
Speakers: Berry Ropa & Navy Mulou, APEC PNG HWG


Presentation title: Preparedness and Response Plan for Potential Pandemic Influenza - Peru
Speaker: Hernan Garrido-Lecca, Minister of Health

The Philippines

Presentation title: Philippines Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plan Updates
Speaker: Dr. Lyndon L.Lee Suy, Program Manager, Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases National Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Dept. of Health Republic of Philippines

People's Republic of China

Presentation title: Pandemic Flu Preparedness Multi-Sector Cooperation in China
Speaker: Ms. Jixiu Han, Office of Health Emergency Response, Ministry of Health, P.R.China (Center for Public health Emergency)

Presentation title: China MOH and Sanofi Pasteur Collaborations in Pandemic Preparednes
Sanofi Pasteur

Republic of Korea

Presentation title: Public-Private Sector Collaborations in Pandemic Preparedness
Speaker: Dr. Sang Dr. Sang-Sook Shin, Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention


Presentation title: Singapore Flu Pandemic Preparedness
Speaker: Mr. Ong Liong Chuan, Dy Director, Business Continuity & Crisis Management, Singapore Ministry of Health


Presentation title: Influenza Pandemic Preparedness in Thailand: Cooperation between Public and Private Sectors
Speaker: Dr. Pornthip Chompook, Bureau of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Dept. of Disease Control Ministry of Public Health, Thailand

The United States

Presentation title: Georgia's Pan Flu Planning

Speakers: Dr. J. Patrick O'Neal, Georgia Division of Public Health & Dr. Jocelyn Stargel, Southern Company

Viet Nam

Presentation title: National Influenza Sentinel Surveillance Viet Nam: 2006-2007
Speaker: Dr. Nguyen Thanh Chung, NIHE



2006 Virtual Symposium: Hot Topics #1


"Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response: Information Sharing through a Virtual Symposium



To celebrate EINet's 10th anniversary of service to the Asia Pacific, the University of Washington hosted the first APEC EINet Virtual Symposium on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Reponse. A strong alliance of government and academic partners with experts in pandemic preparedness and technology brought this innovative effort in real time communications into the fight against regional pandemics. Using state-of-the-art advanced networking, participating APEC economies discussed lessons learned with preparedness planning, exercises, stockpiling, and other strategies. APEC EINet Virtual Symposium was an experiment that brought state-of-the-art high speed communication tools into the regional mission of public health.

Participating Economies:

People's Republic of China
Republic of Korea
The Philippines
Chinese Taipei
The United States
Viet Nam

Date and Time:

19 January 2006 (USA, Canada)
University of Washington, Seattle 18:00 - 22:30 (PST)
20 January 2006 (Asia) 02:00 - 06:30 (UTC)


Event Highlights:


Download video: QUICKTIME(.MOV)


Hot Topics 1 Agenda - 20 January 2006




Presentation title: Pandemic Preparedness in Australia and Contribution to Regional Preparedness
Speaker: Dr. Moira McKinnon, Medical Advisor, Office of Health Protection


Presentation title: Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: An Overview
Speaker: Dr. Paul Gully, Deputy Chief Public Health Officer, Public Health Agency of Canada

People's Republic of China

Presentation title: China's Progress for Potential Pandemic Preparedness
Speaker: Dr. Shu Yuelong, Director of National Influenza Centre

Republic of Korea

Presentation title: Tabletop exercise against threats from emerging infectious disease
Speaker: Dr. Young Hur, Director, Division of Epidemic Intelligence Service, Department of Disease Investigation and Surveillance, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ministry of Health and Welfare

Video presentation: Why We Need Exercises with APEC
Speaker: Dr. Duk-Hyung Lee, Director of Communicable Disease Control Center of Korea CDC, Ministry of Health and Welfare

The Philippines

Presentation title: The Philippines Economy Presentation
Speaker: Dr. Eric Tayag, Dept. of Health, Philippines


Presentation title: Singapore's Preparedness for a Potential Influenza Pandemic
Speaker: Dr. Gary Ong, Assistant Director, Communicable Diseases Policy, Ministry of Health

Chinese Taipei

Presentation title: Pandemic Influenza Preparedness in Chinese Taipei
Speaker: Dr. Tsung-Hsi Wang, Center for Disease Control


Presentation title: Avian Influenza and Pandemic Preparedness in Thailand
Speaker: Dr. Kumnuan Ungchusak, Director, Bureau of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control

The United States

Presentation title: Pandemic Influenza Planning
Speaker: Dr. Jeffery Duchin, Chief, Communicable Disease Control, Epidemiology and Immunization Section, Seattle King County Public Health

Viet Nam

Presentation title: Avian Influenza in Viet Nam: Situation and Responses 2003-2005
Speakers: Drs. Nguyen Thuy Hoa & Pham Quang Thai, National Institute of Hygiene



In the News


Editorial:"Infectious-disease networks needs money to keep microbes at bay."

Kimball AM, Fox L.The Seattle Times.7 June 2005. <>

The Seattle Times "Infectious-disease networks needs money to keep microbes at bay"

Trade related infections: farther, faster, quieter
Kimball AM, Arima Y, Hodges JR. Globalization and Health.22 April 2005;1:3 doi:10.1186/1744-8603-1-3.

Globalization and Health 2005 "Trade related infections: farther,faster, quieter"

The global diet: trade and novel infections
Hodges JR, Kimball AM. Globalization and Health. 22 April 2005; 1:4. doi:10.1186/1744-8603-1-4

Globalization and Health 2005"The global diet: trade and novel infections"

International distance-learning outreach: the APEC EINet experience
Kimball AM, Shih La, Brown J, Harris T.G., Pautler N, Jamieson R.W., Bolles J, Horwitch C.International Journal of Medical Informatics 14 July 2005; 69 (2003) 57-62.

The International Journal of Medical Informatics"International distancelearning outreach"

Learning from SARS Preparing for the Next Disease Outbreak
Knobler S, Mahmoud A, Lemon S, Mack A, Sivitz L,Oberholtzer K.The National Academies Press. 1 September 2005.

The National Academies Press"Reporting, surveillance, and information exchange: the SARS imperative for innovation"

Global Communications Technology Praised for Role in Slowing the Early Spread of the SARS Epidemic.

Media Releases - APEC News. 6 May 2003.

APEC News"Global Communications Technology Praised for Role in Slowing the Early Spread of the SARS Epidemic"





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