Scanning Probe Microscopy
Pioneering new methods to reveal local structure/function correlations with resolution below the optical diffraction limit.
Solar Energy and Electronic Materials
Characterizing the optoelectronic properties of solution-processed materials such as hybrid perovskites, colloidal quantum dots, and organic semiconductors.
Plasmonics and Nanophotonic Materials
Understanding and applying near-field coupling to achieve new functionality in metal and semiconductor nanostructures.
Bio-inspired Materials and Sensing
Programming complex material assembly and stimulus-response functions using molecules and lessons from biology.
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Margherita Taddei from the Ginger Lab at the University of Washington demonstrates The Ginger Lab Tour 2021.
For more information see
The Ginger Lab Tour 2021

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Quantum dots are semiconductor nanocrystals on the scale of a few nanometers, or several hundred atoms. At this size quantum effects dominate and the electrons are quantum confined to narrow energy levels determined by the size of the particle.
This means that the absorption wavelength the light can be fine-tuned and that quantum dots can be used to adjust the bandgap of the materials they are associated with. Quantum dots being explored for use in photovoltaics and in signal processing.
This shows professional laboratory procedures for synthesizing quantum dots.
For more info see PHOTONICS WIKI

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Nanoprisms are used to adjust color of chemical systems they are mixed with for example in organic photovoltaic devices. The size of the nanoprisms determines the absorption wavelength. This shows the synthesis of silver nanocrystals at a professional chemistry laboratory at University of Washington. This procedure should not be attempted without laboratory safety provisions.
For more information see PHOTONICS WIKI

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Mark Ziffer from the Ginger Lab at the University of Washington demonstrates how to construct a perovskite solar cell.
For more information see

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David Ginger and Alvin Kwiram have partnered to study renewable energy sources. Currently, the population gets 80 percent of energy from fossil fuels and solar energy is not affordable for all. The duo are working with colleagues in engineering in hopes of finding an alternative. It is challenging to summarize 150 years of achievement but one thing is clear -- all future discoveries will be fueled through research.
The Next Generation

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Discoveries at the UW are shaping our world and making a difference on a local, national and global scale.

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In this video, Rajiv Giridharagopal and David S. Ginger from the University of Washington discuss their Perspective published in issue 7 of the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.

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Margherita Taddei from the Ginger Lab at the University of Washington demonstrates The Ginger Lab Tour 2021.
For more information see
The Ginger Lab Tour 2021

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Quantum dots are semiconductor nanocrystals on the scale of a few nanometers, or several hundred atoms. At this size quantum effects dominate and the electrons are quantum confined to narrow energy levels determined by the size of the particle.
This means that the absorption wavelength the light can be fine-tuned and that quantum dots can be used to adjust the bandgap of the materials they are associated with. Quantum dots being explored for use in photovoltaics and in signal processing.
This shows professional laboratory procedures for synthesizing quantum dots.
For more info see PHOTONICS WIKI

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Nanoprisms are used to adjust color of chemical systems they are mixed with for example in organic photovoltaic devices. The size of the nanoprisms determines the absorption wavelength. This shows the synthesis of silver nanocrystals at a professional chemistry laboratory at University of Washington. This procedure should not be attempted without laboratory safety provisions.
For more information see PHOTONICS WIKI

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Mark Ziffer from the Ginger Lab at the University of Washington demonstrates how to construct a perovskite solar cell.
For more information see

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David Ginger and Alvin Kwiram have partnered to study renewable energy sources. Currently, the population gets 80 percent of energy from fossil fuels and solar energy is not affordable for all. The duo are working with colleagues in engineering in hopes of finding an alternative. It is challenging to summarize 150 years of achievement but one thing is clear -- all future discoveries will be fueled through research.

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Discoveries at the UW are shaping our world and making a difference on a local, national and global scale.

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In this video, Rajiv Giridharagopal and David S. Ginger from the University of Washington discuss their Perspective published in issue 7 of the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.