Global Health Justice

November 20, 2024

Poem: My morning cup of coffee

By Maryam Hamid





In the quiet early hours of the day
I pour myself a cup of coffee
And through my bleary swollen eyes
I catch up to what has unfurled
In the world as I have slept
I see images of crumbling buildings in war torn zones
And children with missing limbs
I see people buried under rubble
And the displaced living in tents
I see mothers clutching tiny shrouds
And orphans calling their parents’ name
I see news of mass suicide
To save themselves from rape
A year ago, I would have cried
As I saw these injustices
But now I drink my cup of coffee
And carry on with my day

Note from the author: This original poem describes how the author often feels desensitized by current global events due to constant exposure to distressing news.

Image: Innocent Lives Foundation
